(Established by Delhi State AIDS Control Society and NSS Cell, GGSIP University, Delhi)
The Red Ribbon foundation is an organization founded in 1993 whose main purpose is the education about prevention of the Human Immunodeficiency Virus or HIV, Acquired Deficiency Syndrome Related Complex, ARC and AIDS. The Red Ribbon Express was launched in India on World AIDS Day, December 1, 2007.
- 10 Million youth (aged 15-24) worldwide are living with HIV.
- New Infections / day: 6,000 youths
- In India: 15-29 years aged people- 31% of the AIDS burden.
- In view of this, MOHFW, Govt. of India has proposed to establish a network with Universities and educational institutions.
- In Delhi (ICTC data): prevalence of HIV Infection in 15-25 years age group is 1.94%.

This Video of Red Ribbon Club, TIAS was released at the National level on World Aids Day (1st Dec 2023)
According to UNAIDS strategy paper on “Approach to Adolescents”, youth are among the most vulnerable to HIV infection, and they also account for a large proportion of infected persons. Youth are among the most vulnerable groups to HIV infection. The adolescent age with its specific psychological and social attributes is more susceptible to sexual curiosity and behavior that make them particularly vulnerable to HIV infection. In 2003, youth (15-24 years old) accounted for half of all new HIV infections worldwide. (Source: UNAIDS / WHO AIDS epidemic update, December 2005). This sends an alarming signal on the extraordinary crisis, which our tertiary education has to grapple with. Youth are especially vulnerable to risk of HIV infection because of limited access to correct information and lack of appropriate life skills. Equally alarming is the fact that paid donors, which are associated with a significantly higher prevalence of transfusion-transmissible infections (TTIs) including HIV, Hepatitis B, Hepatitis C, Syphilis and Malaria, still provide more than 45% of the blood collected in India. The safest blood donors are voluntary, non-remunerated blood donors from low-risk populations. In view of this, NACO/SACS have taken the initiative in promoting voluntary non-remunerated blood donation by establishing RRC and reaching youth to pledge to give regular blood donations till the age of 60 and to lead healthy lifestyles to protect both themselves and the recipients of their blood from HIV and other infectious agents and in addressing the knowledge, attitude and behavior of youth in the area of HIV & AIDS and sexuality by establishing RRCs.
Delhi State AIDS control society is a nodal agency working under the aegis of National AIDS Control Organization (NACO) for the prevention Control and Care & Support programmes in the state of Delhi. Mainstreaming of HIV & AIDS and ensuring safe blood are major activities to control the spread of HIV & AIDS in the country. Of the over 1 billion youth (ages 15-24) worldwide, some 10 million youth are living with HIV: Every day, an estimated 6,000 youth are infected with the virus. Out of 2.47 million estimated population infected by HIV in India, 88.7% are in the age group of 15-49 years. In view of this, Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, Govt. of India has proposed to establish a network with Universities and educational institutions to generate awareness regarding HIV & AIDS and to promote Voluntary Blood Donation to ensure safe blood and implement preventive programmes on HIV & AIDS. Under the NACP IV youth have been identified as a vulnerable group requiring special attention. Recognizing the heterogeneity of the youth NACP IV aims to promote Red Ribbon Clubs to cover youth at risk to HIV both in campuses as well as in community.
Through RRC youth are encouraged to learn about safe and healthy lifestyles. The RRC promotes access to information on safe sexual behaviors and voluntary blood donation as well as enable them to become change agents in HIV & AIDS programme.
To create and provide opportunity to the zeal of volunteerism among youth to contribute towards the control and prevention of HIV& AIDS Red Ribbon Club in the institute is formed. The concept and design of the programme is based on the lessons and experiences of the Red Ribbon Clubs formed in the educational institutions across the Delhi State.
The Red Ribbon Club is a voluntary on-campus intervention program for students in educational institutions. It is initiated and supported by the State AIDS Control Society and implemented through multispectral collaboration, particularly, using the services of cadre officers of the State’s National Service Scheme (NSS).
The programme will address the knowledge, attitude and behavior of the youths in the interrelated areas of Voluntary Blood Donation, HIV & AIDS and sexuality, as demanded by their age, environment, and life style. The, Red Ribbon Club will serve as a complementary and comprehensive prevention intervention to support and reinforce similar youth led initiatives. So Delhi State AIDS Control Society is initiated Red Ribbon Clubs in Institute and GGSIP University, Delhi.
- Webpage Incharge : Dr. Sheenu Arora