A Unit of Health & Education Society (Regd.)

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  • Recognized Under Sec. 2(f) of UGC Act 1956,
  • Approved by AICTE, Ministry of Education, Govt. of India,
  • Affiliated to Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University.


The National Education Policy 2020 lays emphasis on the promotion of Indian Languages, Arts and Culture, and tries to remove this discontinuity in the flow of Indian Knowledge System by integrating IKS into curriculums at all levels of education. In order to facilitate a seamless integration of Indian traditional knowledge with modern subjects, UGC has come up with’Guidelines for Training of Faculty on IKS’. These guidelines will inspire the faculty in higher education institutions of the country to generate a positive attitude, explore, and undertake quality research on IKS, and herald a new era in higher education ecosystem of the country in the light of NEP 2020. The IKS guidelines will be a part of the training modules under “Malviya Mission” and will be considered under CAS scheme as per the UGC regulations

The guidelines are available on the UGC website. All the Higher Education Institutions are requested to take necessary steps to follow the guidelines to facilitateb seamless integration of Indian traditional knowledge with modern subjects.


The vision of the IKS Division is to rejuvenate and mainstream Indian Knowledge Systems for the contemporary world.
The objective of the IKS Division is to completely decolonize Indian mind by generating interest and healthy critical reverence for the unbroken knowledge traditions of Bhārata for the welfare of the world.


  1. Create a database of individuals and organizations who have contributed by way of Research, Teaching, Publication and Preservation of ancient and contemporary rich Indian knowledge systems ranging from art, music, dance, drama, to mathematics, astronomy, science, technology, life sciences, environment and natural sciences, health care, yoga, law, jurisprudence, economics, social sciences, psychology, philosophy, management, linguistics, oral traditions of India, knowledge hidden in Sanskrit, Prakrit,, Tamil, Pali, etc
  2. Create portal for archival and dissemination of this rich knowledge and also create an open portal and keep it dynamic and live like wiki, in a PPP mode.
  3. Promote and enable further research to address the societal challenges faced today in several areas including holistic health, psychology, neuroscience, nature, environment, and sustainable development.
  4. To identify scholars and institutions who have worked in various areas of IKS and their works and to categorize the major areas.
  5. To get reports of work done by all people who have contributed to IKS and bring out regular publications.
  6. To promote research in IKS for providing proof of concepts, new knowledge generation, effective interdisciplinary work useful for society.
  7. To create research fellowships or fellowships of visiting Professors/ Scientists/ Scholars: Sanskrit Professors in IITs/ IISERs/IIMs/ Universities and Professors of Science and Technology in Sanskrit universities.
  8. To provide financial assistance to research activities, workshops, seminars and publications for furthering the cause of IKS.
  9. To suggest measures to integrate IKS in text books and reference books of modern disciplines of knowledge offered at school and higher education.
  10. To establish IKS cells in General universities, Sanskrit Universities, and other institutions under MoE.
  11. To initiate collaboration/ coordination between institutions under MoE, other ministries, departments, independent scholars, NGOs and private institutions working in the field of IKS to promote interdisciplinary research involving modern streams and ancient Shastras.
  12. To explore and adopt a PPP model, wherever feasible (e.g. creating a wiki type platform and comprehensive IKS portal)
  13. To constitute Expert Groups and committees to plan, execute and oversee the objectives of IKS division.
  14. To take up any step, work, project or activity to further the cause of IKS.


Integration of IKS in the curriculum at various levels involves an introduction to IKS, it’s
Scope & History, and amalgamation of fundamental IKS concepts into modern textbooks, leading
to developing Indian Thought Models based on available IKS literature, and their application into
various contemporary problems solving methods. Understanding that teacher training is important
to the success of NEP 2020, UGC constituted a committee of experts to recommend strategies by
formulating guidelines for effective teacher training/orientation in IKS. Teacher
training/orientation is typically conducted by various agencies such as HRDC, and PMMMNMTT
( Malviya Mission). The faculty in the UGC- recognized institutions are required to attend a
mandatory induction program (175 hours) and periodically attend the refresher courses which may
include subject-specific courses. The refresher courses are required for the continued professional
advancement of the faculty in UGC-recognized academic institutions.


The needs of faculty coming into the induction program are slightly different from the ones coming for the refresher courses. Faculty coming into the induction program are experts in their topics but may not have deep knowledge about the IKS. The freshly inducted faculty members attending this program may not have the experience of teaching large classes. Therefore, the guidelines are specified separately for the induction/orientation program and the refresher courses. The major purpose of all such training programs shall be to generate a positive attitude towards IKS and promote interest in knowing and exploring more, rather than covering a lot of content related to IKS.

2.1 Induction Program
2.2 Refresher Courses
2.3 Suggestions for Effective Implementation
Roadmap for Effective Implementation of the Teacher Training in IKS


Model Syllabi for the teacher training guidelines. The following syllabi have been prepared by the committee to help guide the creation of such courses for teacher training. These course outlines are not prescriptive and are intended to help the instructors in the preparation of course syllabi as per the needs of the learners.


Annexure 1A: Model syllabi for IKS modules in the Induction Program

Course 1: IKS Induction Program in IKS
Course 2: IKS Induction Program Module for Chemistry and Metallurgy

Annexure 1B: Model Syllabi for Refresher Courses in IKS

Course 1: Course on Indian Science and Technology
Course 2: Refresher Courses on IKS based Chemistry and Metallurgy
Course 3: Course on Indian Economics and Business Model
Course 4: Course on Ancient Indian Art and Architecture
Course 5: Mathematics in India: from Vedic period to modern times
Course 6: Basics of Indian Astronomy
Course 7: Introduction to Indian Astronomy


Training/Orientation of Faculty on Indian Knowledge System13th April, 2023


IKS Conference GGSIPU 2022-23


Logo Policy IKS Division
The Guidelines for Center 01 (February 2021-22)
The Guidelines for Center 03 (October-2023-24)
The Guidelines for Center 02 BGSamposhan Kendram 1 (November-2022-23)
The Guidelines for Indian Knowledge Systems Division Logo Usage
The Guidelines for Internship 02 BGSamvahan karyakram (September-2022-23)
The Guidelines for Internship 03 BGSamvahan karyakram (May 2023-24)
The Guidelines for RFP 1 (July 2021-22)
The Guidelines for RFP 2 (December-2021-22)
The Guidelines for RFP 3 BGSamvardhan Yojana 1 (November 2022-23)
The Guidelines for RFP4 BGSamvardhan Yojana 2 (March 2023-24)
The Guidelines for RFP5 BGSamvardhan Yojana 3 (August 2023-24)
Unauthorized use of logo of the IKS Division of MoE is Prohibited
Updated unauthorised logo policy


Communicating with Influence Insights from Ancient Indian Wisdom Seminar


Volunteer Registrations
Sample Certificate