Tecnia Institute of Advanced Studies | MBA, BBA, MCA, BCA, BAJMC, Best Colleges in GGSIPU University Delhi

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  • Recognized Under Sec. 2(f) of UGC Act 1956,
  • Approved by AICTE, Ministry of Education, Govt. of India,
  • Affiliated to Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University.


The BCA programme covers basic to advanced level concepts in Computer Science, Computer Applications and Information Technology. The theoretical concepts in class room teaching and hands on machine experience in digital laboratories using computer program using computers and standard tools widen the horizon of the students. With the acquired knowledge, students can solve the problems in various domains using computers.


Create High-Quality Engineering and Computer Application Professionals


To serve humanity by creating professionally competent, socially sensitive engineers with high ethical values who can work as individuals or in groups in multicultural global environments.


In accordance with the revised UGC Curriculum and Credit Framework for Undergraduate Programmes, the Bachelor of Computer Applications (BCA) programme w.e.f academic session 2024-25 curriculum framework shall be as follows:


The students are required to refer the eligibility criteria provided in the admission brochure for BCA programme for the specific academic session. As per the Admission Brochure for the Academic Session (AS) 2023-24, the eligibility criteria for BCA programme is as follows: “Pass in 12th Class of 10+2 of CBSE or equivalent with a minimum of 50% marks in aggregate* with pass in English (core or elective or functional). Mathematics or Computer Science / or other subject related to Computer Science”.


“Three-year Diploma in a branch of Engineering from a polytechnic duly approved by All India Council for Technical Education and affiliated to a recognized examining body with a minimum of 50% marks in aggregate”.


[Provision of Multiple Exit and Awarding Certificate, Diploma, and Degrees]

The maximum duration of programme will be as per regulations and recommendations of the statutory bodies governing the BCA programme. As per existing UGC CCFUP, the total duration for completing the BCA programme from the date of admission in first year to completion of Certificate / Diploma / 3 years’ degree/ 4 years Hons. degree (including Breaks) shall not exceed 7 years. The detailed qualification award (Certificate / Diploma/ Degree), exit options and other requirement is given in Table1. Grading System shall be as per Ordinance 11 of the University.

Duration & Qualification Award Details:
No of years of
Exit Options Credit Requirement Entry Option Remarks
One Year (I & II Semester) BCA Certificate Students have an option of exiting the programme after completion of first year (Semester I and semester II) Students are required to complete Minimum 52 credits including vocational course which is mandatory. Students who exit with a BCA certificate are permitted to re-enter within three years from the date Students are required to secure minimum 48 credits during first year and 4 credits in work based vocational courses during summer break after first year. ii. Students may be permitted to take a break from the study during the period of BCA programme but the total duration for completing the BCA
Two Years (I to IV Semesters) BCA Diploma Students have an option of exiting the programme after completion of second year (Semester III & IV) Students are required to complete Minimum 96 credits and also secure 4 vocational course either offered after first year or after second year during the summer break time. Students who exit with a BCA diploma are permitted to re-enter within three years from the date when student took break and may complete BCA programme.
  1. Students exiting the programme after securing 96 credits in initial two years of admission will be awarded BCA Diploma provided they secure additional 4 credit in skill based vocational courses offered after first year or after second year during the summer break time.
  2. Students may be permitted to take a break from the study during the period of BCA programme but the total duration for completing the BCA programme from the date of admission to first year shall not exceed 7 years.
Three Years (I to VI Semesters) BCA Students will be allowed to exit after completion of the 3rd year (V & VI Semesters) Students are required to complete Minimum 146 credits and also secure 4 credits in Summer Internship during the summer break time after 2nd year. Students who exit with a BCA are permitted to re-enter within two years and complete the four year BCA, but the student is not entitled to re-enter for BCA (Honours). Students who want to undertake 3-year BCA programme will be awarded BCA Degree upon securing 146 credits Students may be permitted to take a break from the study during the period of BCA programme but the total duration for completing the BCA programme from the date of admission year shall not exceed 7 years.
Four Years (I to VIII Semesters) BCA Honours (Hons.) Hons. Shall only be Awarded if the student acquires full credits in every semester with a total CGPA of above or equal to 7.5, and the degree is awarded after the mmediate completion of the 4th year from the year of admission. No Hons. Shall be conferred if the degree requirements are not completed in the minimum dura tion. Students will be awarded BCA (Hons.) Degree


The BCA programme curriculum consists of core courses and interdisciplinary / multidisciplinary courses from other disciplines, ability enhancement courses (language courses), skill enhancement courses, and a set of value added courses. Vocational courses are also added which will help the students to equip with job- oriented skills. The minimum credit requirements for each component for 3-year BCA and 4-year BCA (Hons.) are given in Table.2 The distribution of credits across semesters for BCA programme is given in Table 4.

S.No. Broad Category of Course Minimum Credit Requirement
3-year BCA 4-Year BCA (Hons.)
1. Core Courses (CCT/ CCP/PCE) 114 124
2. Multidisciplinary Courses 09 09
3. Ability Enhancement Courses (AEC) 08 08
4. Skill Enhancement Courses (SEC) 08 08
5. Value Added Courses (VA) 08 08
6. Summer Internship (SI) 04 04
7. Major/ Minor Project (PRJ) 06 22
  Total 157 185

The student is required to complete one Minor Project in the sixth semester, Major Project-1 in seventh semester and Major Project-2 in eight semesters, all from any emerging technologies.

S.No. Broad Category of Course Semester (Credits)
1. CCT/ CCP/PCE 20 21 20 16 17 20 10
2. Multidisciplinary Courses 3 3 3
3. Ability Enhancement Courses (AEC) 3 3 2
4. Skill Enhancement Courses (SEC) 1 4 2 1 2
5. Value Added Courses (VA) 2 2 2 2
6. Summer
Internship (SI)
7. Major/ Minor Project (PRJ) 6 6 10
  Total 26 26 29 23 24 29 18 10
* Multidisciplinary Generic Elective (GE) for BCA
  1. Students GE-1 (choose any One)
    1. Principles of Management & Organizational Behavior
    2. Any One Paper Offered as open elective by other School /Department / Programme
  1. GE-2 (choose any One)
    1. Digital Marketing
    2. Principles of Accounting
    3. Any One Paper Offered as open elective by other School / Department / Programme
  1. GE-3
    1. Introduction to Management & Entrepreneurship Development
    2. MOOC Course
Computational Knowledge

Demonstrate competencies in fundamentals of computing, computing specialization, mathematics and domain knowledge suitable for the computing specialization to the abstraction and conceptualization of computing models from defined problems and requirements.

Problem Analysis

Identify, formulate and analyze complex real-life problems in order to arrive at computationally viable conclusions using fundamentals of mathematics, computer sciences, management and relevant domain disciplines.

Design /Development of Solutions

Design efficient solutions for complex, real-world problems to design systems, components or processes that meet the specifications with suitable consideration to public health, safety, cultural, societal and environmental considerations.

Conduct Investigations of Complex Computing Problems

Ability to research, analyze and investigate complex computing problems through design of experiments, analysis and interpretation of data and synthesis of the information to arrive at valid conclusions.

Modern Tool Usage

Create, select, adapt and apply appropriate technologies and tools to a wide range of computational activities while understanding their limitations

Professional Ethics

Ability to perform professional practices in an ethical way, keeping in the mind cyber regulations & laws, responsibilities and norms of professional computing practices.

Life-long Learning

Ability to engage in independent learning for continuous selfdevelopment as a computing professional.

Project Management & Finance

Ability to apply knowledge and understanding of the computing and management principles and apply these to one’s own work, as a member and leader in a team, to manage projects in multidisciplinary environments.

Communication Efficacy

Ability to effectively communicate with the technical community and with the society at large about complex computing activities by being able to understand and write effective reports, design documentation, make effective presentations with the capability of giving and taking clear instructions.

Societal & Environmental Concern

Ability to recognize and assess societal, environmental, health, safety, legal and cultural issues within local and global contexts and the consequential responsibilities applicable to professional computing practices.

Individual & Team Work

Ability to work in multi-disciplinary team collaboration both as a member and leader, as per need.

Innovation & Entrepreneurship

Ability to apply innovation to track a suitable opportunity to create value and wealth for the betterment of the individual and society at large.

Disciplinary Knowledge

Apply the knowledge of computer application concepts and domain knowledge to solve the problems in IT domain/IT industry

Problem Analysis

Identify, formulate, review research literature, and analyse complex computer application problem at their workplace and for the society.

Design /Development of Solutions

Design and evaluate solutions for computer applications problems, and design theprocesses that meet specified needs with appropriate consideration for the public health, safety, cultural, societal, and environmental considerations.

Modern Tool Usage

Create, select, adapt and apply appropriate techniques, resources, and moderncomputing tools to complex computer application activities, with an understanding of the limitations.

Professional Ethics

Understand and commit to professional ethics and cyber regulations, responsibilities, and norms of professional computing practices.

Life-long Learning

Recognize the need, and have the ability, to engage in independent learning forcontinual development as a computing professional.

Project management and finance

Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the computing and management principles and apply these to one’s own work, as a member and leader in a team, tomanage projects and in multidisciplinary environments.

Communication Efficacy with Cooperation/teamwork

Communicate effectively with the computing community, and with society at large, about complex computing activities by being able to comprehend and write effective reports, design documentation, make effective presentations, and give and understandclear instructions. Function effectively as an individual and as a member or a leader.

Societal and Environmental Concern

Understand and assess societal, environmental, health, safety, legal, and cultural issues within local and global contexts, and the consequential responsibilities relevant toprofessional computing practices.

Innovation and Entrepreneurship

Identify a timely opportunity and using innovation to pursue that opportunity to create value and wealth for the betterment of the individual and society at large.

Communication Skills

The student should be able to communicate the technical information both orally and inwriting professionally.

Use of Software Tools

Create, select, adapt and apply suitable tools and technologies to a wide range of computational activities.

Technical Skills

Acquire necessary knowledge of technical, scientific as well as basic managerial and financial procedures to analyze and solve real world problems within their work domain

Domain Awareness

Clarity on both conceptual and application oriented skills in commerce, Finance & Accounting and it Applications in Business context.

Technical Support

Must be able to provide technical support for various software applications.

Analysis and investigation of Complex Computing Problem

Ability to analyze research and investigate complex computing problems through design of experiments, analysis and interpretation of data and synthesis of the information to arrive at valid conclusions.

Design / Development of Solutions

Apply the knowledge gained in core courses to a broad range of advanced topics in computer science, to learn and develop sophisticated technical product independently

Imbibe Cyber Ethics

Awareness on ethics, values, sustainability and creativity aspects of technical solutions



It is envisioned that the graduates passing out BCA programme, will achieve the following BCA Programme Learning Outcomes (PLO) as detailed in Programme Specific Learning Outcomes (PSLO) and Generic Learning Outcomes (GLO)

PSO 1:

Comprehensive knowledge and coherent understanding of the Computer Applications in various domains and emerging developments associated with the Computer Science and Information Technology

PSO 2:

Practical, professional, and procedural knowledge required for carrying out professional or highly skilled work/tasks in the field of computer science and Information Technology, including knowledge required for undertaking self- employment initiatives, and knowledge and mindset required for entrepreneurship involving enterprise creation, improved product development, or a new mode of organization.

PSO 3:

Skills in areas related to specialization in the chosen disciplinary/interdisciplinary area(s) of learning including wide-ranging practical skills, involving variable routine and non-routine contexts relating to the Computer Applications

PSO 4:

Capacity to extrapolate from what has been learned, translate concepts to real-life situations and apply acquired competencies in new/unfamiliar contexts, rather than merely replicate curriculum content knowledge, to generate solutions to specific problems.


The objectives of encouraging the students to undertake a vocational course during summer break after First Year (Second semester) and, also after third year (Sixth semester) for four years programme are

  1. To ensure the development of capabilities across a range of disciplines including sciences, social sciences, arts, humanities, languages, as well as vocational subjects, a student can undertake programmes /courses of study relating to Languages, Literature, Music, Philosophy, Art, Dance, Theatre, Statistics, Pure and Applied Sciences, Sports, etc., and other such subjects needed for a multidisciplinary and stimulating learning environment
  2. To prepare professionals in cutting-edge areas that are fast gaining prominence, such as Artificial Intelligence (AI), 3-D machining, big data analysis, and machine learning, Block chain Technology, Full stack web development, Robotic Process Automation or any other emerging technology with important applications to health, environment, and sustainable living the students are also encouraged to undergo training in the emerging technologies which are not part of their curriculum.
  3. To find a job for those students who exit before completing the programme.


Students can undertake internships with local industry, businesses etc., or with faculty and researchers at their own or other Higher Educational Institutes (HEIs). Summer Training (Conducted at the end of the 4th Semester and evaluation to be carried in 5th Semester) Report and Viva – Voce: Students will undergo summer training/industry visit/In-house training/In-house project during the summer break after the completion of 4th semester. This will help the students to engage with all aspects of their learning and facilitate their improvement in the employability. A report of the Summer Internship is required to be submitted to the College/ Institution. Viva-voce examination will be conducted based on the report submitted by the student. A panel of examiner will be appointed by the HOD/ Director of the Institution for internal evaluation out of 40 marks. External evaluation of 60 marks will be conduct by the examination division of the university.

Generic (Open) Electives for other undergraduate programmes

The following Core courses (as mentioned in Table 5) of BCA programme may be offered as Generic Elective for other undergraduate programmes. Maximum number of students from other School / Department / Programme should not exceed 20% of total intake for the programme.

S.No. Semester Subject Code Subject Name
1. First BCA 105T
BCA 105P
Web Technologies
Web Technologies Lab
2. Second BCA 102T
BCA 102P
Database Management System
Database Management System Lab
3. Third BCA 201T
BCA 201P
Python Programming
Python Programming Lab
First Semester Wise Evaluation Scheme

Generic (Open) Electives for other undergraduate programmes

The following Core courses (as mentioned in Table 5) of BCA programme may be offered as Generic Elective for other undergraduate programmes. Maximum number of students from other School / Department / Programme should not exceed 20% of total intake for the programme.

Code No. Paper Course Category L T/P Credits Marks
Marks Internal Marks External Max Marks
BCA 101T Programming for Problem Solving using C CCT 4 4 40 60 100
Second Semester Wise Evaluation Scheme

Second Semester Wise Evaluation Scheme

Third Semester Wise Evaluation Scheme

Third Semester Wise Evaluation Scheme

Four Semester Wise Evaluation Scheme

Four Semester Wise Evaluation Scheme

Five Semester Wise Evaluation Scheme

Five Semester Wise Evaluation Scheme

Six Semester Wise Evaluation Scheme

Six Semester Wise Evaluation Scheme

Seven Semester Wise Evaluation Scheme

Seven Semester Wise Evaluation Scheme

Eight Semester Wise Evaluation Scheme

Eight Semester Wise Evaluation Scheme

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