A Unit of Health & Education Society (Regd.)

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  • Recognized Under Sec. 2(f) of UGC Act 1956,
  • Approved by AICTE, Ministry of Education, Govt. of India,
  • Affiliated to Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University.



Value Added Courses (VACs) are the supplement to the Syllabi and Curriculum of the program offered by the GGSIP University to make students abreast with the latest industry demands as well as develops their own interests and aptitudes. Value-Added courses are part of the curriculum designed to provide necessary skills to increase the employability quotient and equipping the students with essential skills to succeed in life. It’s a joint venture with various specialized organizations which facilitates the students as well as the faculty to keep pace with the latest upgrades in technologies pertaining to their chosen field of studies. Institute offers a wide variety of Value Added Courses which shall be conducted after class hours, semester breaks, or on holidays. These courses shall be conducted by experts or in-house staff and help students stand apart from the rest in the job market by adding further value to their resume. These value added courses will be mostly independent to each type of the fields. It is important component of HEIs to supplement the main courses offered with a wide variety of 30 hours short term / long term certificate courses.

These courses are carefully identify as per the Thrust Areas provided by the AICTE to be conducted by professionals and industry experts to help students stand apart from the rest in the job market by adding value in their careers. Keeping pace with this objective, institute regularly conducts Value Added Courses through training, lectures and various other modes for the holistic development of the students. Value Added Course helps in gaining knowledge, getting trained, enables them to face the formidable challenges of the future and also for placements. Value Added Course benefits every year many students by providing the opportunity for guidance on various aspects of building a career and to assist them in exploring new opportunities. VACs cultivate an urge amongst the students to turn them into flamboyant professional on the latest trends and rally their technical skills in advanced manner. To keep pace with the requirements for NAAC our institute started more Value Added Courses in the odd/even semester.


These courses offered to students to bring in an edge over others and have the following advantages:

  1. Augments ‘ASK’ Aptitude, Skills, Knowledge technical, ability to think and innovate
  2. Exposure to recent trends in the core field, augmenting the employability of the graduates
  3. Strives to inculcate fundamental problem solving skills to encourage the students and make them understand the use of modern research tools.


  1. To provide students an understanding of the expectations of industry.
  2. To improve employability skills of students.
  3. To bridge the skill gaps and make students industry ready.
  4. To provide an opportunity to students develop their inter-disciplinary skills.
  5. To mould students as job providers rather than job seekers.


  1. Before designing the syllabus, the feedback from the employers, alumni and industry people will be analyzed and considered to select and design an appropriate course by identifying the gaps.
  2. Apart from this discussions may also be held with the employers, alumni and industrial experts to understand the expectations for current and emerging trends.
  3. Any new Value Added Course developed by a Department should be placed before the Board of Studies and approved by the Academic Council.
  4. The course offered should not be the same as any course listed in the curriculum of the respective program/ or any other program offered in University Departments.
  5. A unique course code is to be given for each course.


  1. Value Added Course is not mandatory to qualify for any program.
  2. It is a teacher assisted learning course open to all students without any additional fee.
  3. Classes for VAC will be conducted during the RESERVED Time Slot in a week or beyond the regular class hours.
  4. The value added courses may be also conducted during weekends / vacation period.
  5. A student will be permitted to register only one Value Added Course in a Semester.
  6. The students may be allowed to take value added courses offered by other departments after obtaining permission from HoD of the Department offering the course.


  1. The duration of value added course should not be less than 30 hours.
  2. The Dean of the respective Faculty shall provide class room/s based on the number of students/batches.
  3. VAC shall be conducted in the respective Faculty itself.


The list of Value Added Courses shall be displayed in the University Website along with the syllabus. A student shall register for a Value Added Course offered during the semester by submitting the duly filled in registration form. The Head of the Department shall segregate according to the choice opted and send it to the Dean of the Faculty offering the particular Value Added Courses.


Each faculty handling a course shall be responsible for the maintenance of Attendance and Assessment Record for candidates who have registered for the course.

  1. The Record shall contain details of the students’ attendance, marks obtained in the Internal Assessment Tests.
  2. Assignments, Seminars, etc. conducted.
  3. The record shall be submitted to the Head of the Department once a month for monitoring the attendance and syllabus coverage.
  4. At the end of the semester, the record shall be duly signed by the Course Instructor and the Head of the Department and placed in safe custody for any future verification.
  5. Each student shall have a minimum of 75% attendance in all the courses of the particular semester failing which he or she will not be permitted to write the End-Semester Examination.
  6. Relaxation of attendance requirement up to 10% may be granted for valid reasons such as illness, representing the University in extracurricular activities and participation in NCC.


  1. The passing requirement for value added courses shall be 40% of the marks prescribed for the course.
  2. A candidate who has not secured a minimum of 40% of marks in a course (internal and end-term) shall reappear for the course in the next semester/year.
  3. The grades obtained in VACs will not be included for calculating the CGPA.


  1. Learners will get a certificate after they have registered for, written the exam and successfully passed.
  2. The students who have successfully completed the Value Added Course shall be issued with a Certificate duly signed by the Authorized signatories.


Department of Management Science


Department of Information, Communication & Technology


Department of Journalism & Mass Communication


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