Department of Information, Communication & Technology Master of Computer Applications (MCA) Academics S.No. CONTENTS / TITLE DOWNLOADS MCA Scheme and Syllabus of 2 years duration w.e.f. Academic Year 2020-2021 MCA Course Outcomes MCA Programme Outcomes S.No. CONTENTS / TITLE DOWNLOADS Aim Vision and Misson Program Outcomes PO Course Outcomes COs List of Courses Choice Based Credit System, CBCS Program Structure (Session 2023-24) Credit Allocation (MCA) CBCS Course Structure (MCA) Semester Wise Examination Scheme Core Theory Core Practical Functional Elective Theory Functional Elective Practical Graduate Attributes Purpose of an MCA Program Employability Enhancement: Mentoring Academicians & Professionals for Future Generation Time Table 2023-24 (Odd Semester) Time Table 2023-24 (Even Semester) Bachelor of Computer Applications (BCA) Academics S.No. CONTENTS / TITLE DOWNLOADS Aim Program Educational Objectives, PEO Program Learning Outcomes, PLO Choice Based Credit System, CBCS Program Structure (Session 2021-22) Eligibility Criteria Admission Criteria Questions in Paper Credit Allocation (BCA) CBCS Course Structure (BCA) Semester Wise Examination Scheme Curriculum Mapping Pedagogy Improving Quality Structure (Bloom’s Taxonomy Assessment ) Assessing Abilities & Professional Skills Competencies Performance Indicator Sample Questions for Bloom’s Taxonomy Level Model Question Paper Rubrics Scoring Sample Thrust Areas for Research Best Practices Educational Objectives and Curricular Organization Bloom’s Taxonomy of Educational Objectives Outcome Based Curriculum Blended Learning & Flipped Classroom Core Theory Core Practical Functional Elective Theory Functional Elective Practical Graduate Attributes Purpose of an BCA Program Employability Enhancement: Mentoring Academicians & Professionals for Future Generation S.No. CONTENTS / TITLE DOWNLOADS Aim Vision and Misson Course Outcomes Cos Programme Outcomes Pos List of Courses Program Educational Objectives, PEO Program Learning Outcomes, PLO Program Structure (Session 2021-22) Choice Based Credit System, CBCS CBCS Course Structure (BCA) Semester Wise Examination Scheme Credit Allocation (BCA) Core Courses Theory Core Courses Practical Discipline Specific Elective Courses Discipline Specific Elective Practical Generic Elective / Interdisciplinary Courses Generic Elective Practical Tutorial Ability Enhancement Compulary Courses (4 Credit) Ability Enhancement Compulary Courses (2 Credit) Skill Enhancement Courses Co-Curricular Activities Functional Elective Theory Functional Elective Practical Graduate Attributes Purpose of an BCA Program Time Table 2022-23