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  • Recognized Under Sec. 2(f) of UGC Act 1956,
  • Approved by AICTE, Ministry of Education, Govt. of India,
  • Affiliated to Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University.

Language Lab


Tecnia Institute of Advanced Studies (TIAS) has a language laboratory for students requiring improvement in English language and confidence-building of those taking up competitive examinations and interviews. It focuses on developing skills set that are not outlined in the curriculum, but meant to give students an extra edge and industry-readiness. The language lab is used for language tutorials. These tutorials are open to students who voluntarily opt for remedial English classes. Language laboratory sessions include word games, quizzes, contemporary speaking, debates, and other such exercises available through online resources and open source software.


  1. To develop professional skills of students for proper self-expression, social communication, spoken English, correct pronunciation, voice modulation and business etiquettes and public speaking.
  2. To develop students use language appropriately for interviews, group discussion and to enhance their self-confidence.
  3. To sensitize the students to the nuances of English speech sounds, word accent, intonation, rhythm, spoken English and neutralize mother tongue influence.
  4. To facilitate computer-aided multi-media instruction enabling individualized and independent language learning.


The Curriculum is designed for BBA, BCA, BAJMC, MBA & MCA students.;

1. Introduction to Phonetics-Speech Sounds-Vowels and Consonants
2. Ice Breaking Activity and JAM Session Articles, Prepositions, Word Formation-Prefixes & suffixes, Synonyms & Antonyms
3. Structure of Syllables-Past Tense Marker and Plural Marker-Weak forms and Strong forms-Consonant Cluster
4. Situational Dialogues-Role Play-Expressions in various situations- Self introduction and introducing others Greetings-Apologies- Requests-Social and Professional Etiquette-Telephone Etiquette Concord (Subject in agreement with Verb) and words often misspelt- confused/misused.
5. Minimal Pairs-Word Accent and Stress Shifts-Listening Comprehension.
6. Descriptions-Narrations-Giving directions and guidelines Sequence of Tenses, Question Tags and One Word Substitutes.
7. Intonation and Common Errors in Pronunciation.
8. Extempore-Public Speaking Active and Passive Voice, Common Errors in English, Idioms and Phrases.
9. Neutralization of Mother Tongue Influence and Conversation Practice.
10. Information Transfer-Oral Presentation Skills Reading Comprehension and Job Application with Resume Preparation.


Online Learning Module: Software-EWL https://languagelab.net.in/word/login.php

Below are above topics of Lab in detail where trainings would be provided.

  1. Communication Skills – Social: Communication skills are essential for building and maintaining relationships, both personal and professional. It allows us to share our thoughts and ideas, to understand others, and to resolve conflict. Social communication skills, in particular, are important for interacting with others in a way that is both respectful and effective.
    Below are the sub-options in which students are trained;
    1. How to Meet people & Ask Questions;
    2. How to communicate which making Friends;
    3. Do’s & Don’ts of the communications
  2. English Concepts: English concepts are the building blocks of the language. They encompass everything from grammar and syntax to vocabulary and semantics. A strong understanding of English concepts is essential for effective communication in both spoken and written English.
    Below are the sub-options in which students are trained;
    1. Grammar- Tenses
    2. Grammar-Parts of Speech
    3. Figures of Speech;
    4. Direct & Indirect Speech
  3. Pronunciation (Phonetics-Intonations): Pronunciation refers to the way in which individual sounds and words are produced. It involves the articulation of the different sounds in a language, including vowels, consonants, and Noun. Phonetics is the study of the sounds of human speech. It includes the description of how sounds are produced, transmitted, and perceived. Intonation refers to the variation in pitch of the voice when speaking. It is used to convey meaning, emotions, and attitudes
    Below are the sub-options in which students are trained;
    1. Vowels;
    2. Consonants
    3. Noun
  4. Advanced Learning & Soft Skills: Advanced learning and soft skills are both essential for success in today’s competitive world. Advanced learning refers to the development of deep knowledge and expertise in a particular field or discipline. It involves going beyond the basics and mastering complex concepts, theories, and methodologies. Soft skills, on the other hand, are the interpersonal and personal attributes that enable individuals to interact effectively with others and thrive in the workplace. They include communication, teamwork, problem-solving, adaptability, and leadership.
    Below are the sub-options in which students are trained;
    1. Effective Communication
    2. Interview Handling Skills
    3. Email etiquette
    4. Presentation Skills
    5. Listening Comprehension
  5. Communication Skills: Communication skills are essential for effective interaction and understanding in all aspects of life, from personal relationships to professional settings. It encompasses the ability to express oneself clearly and concisely, both verbally and in writing, as well as to actively listen and comprehend the messages of others.
    Below are the sub-options in which students are trained;
    1. Listening Skills;
    2. Speaking Skills
    3. Reading Skills
    4. Writing Skills

Language Lab Manual

Language Lab Manual


Mr. Karan Babbar Incharge – Language Lab 19 July 2023


Activities & Campaign Session: 2023-24


15/09/2023 SIP Module 6 BCA & BJMC
15/09/2023 SIP Module 6 MBA & BBA


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  • Webpage Incharge : Mr. Karan Babbar