Tecnia Institute of Advanced Studies | MBA, BBA, MCA, BCA, BAJMC, Best Colleges in GGSIPU University Delhi

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  • Recognized Under Sec. 2(f) of UGC Act 1956,
  • Approved by AICTE, Ministry of Education, Govt. of India,
  • Affiliated to Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University.


The Department of Information, Communication & Technology has been established to design and implement courses with a twin objective of generating effective professionals and to keep pace with the R & D activities of this fast emerging and changing field of Information & Communication Technology. The department aims at inculcating essential skills as demanded by the global software industry, through the interactive learning process. This includes team-building skills, audio-visual presentations and personality development programms. These enhance analytic and communication skills, besides inculcating the virtues of self-study.


Create High-Quality Engineering and Computer Application Professionals


To serve humanity by creating professionally competent, socially sensitiveengineers with high ethical values who can work as individuals or in groups in multicultural global environments.

Vision & Mission



Master of Computer Application (MCA) is a two-year professional postgraduate course that focuses on the various aspects of computer applications, operating systems, computer architecture, application software and more. The course is developed to teach the students about programming and software skills so that they can strengthen their knowledge and succeed in the IT sector.

Course per Semester 2020-21

It’s a three-year degree programme. The course is aimed to sync with fast-moving developments in the field of information technology and communication. It caters to provide IT Companies with expert professionals. BCA Course is an undergraduate program after 10+2 where students are
prepared for various areas of computer applications including the latest
developments in the industry. The course is aimed at overall development of the students to make them ready for higher education such as MCA and for opportunities in IT Companies as well.

Courses per Semester 2024-25
Courses per Semester 2021-22
Courses per Semester 2011-12


Master of Computer Applications (MCA 2 YEARS)
No.CET CodeAdmission ThroughEligibility Criteria & Admission Criteria
  2. CET
  3. CUET#

Eligibility Criteria:Passed BCA/B.Sc. (Computer Science)/B.Sc. (Information Technology)/ B.Voc. (Software Engg.) or equivalent or Passed at least 03 years Bachelor’s Degree with mathematics/statistics at 10+2 level or graduation level. Obtained at least 50% marks (45% marks in case of candidates belonging to reserved category) in the qualifying examinations.

Note: These applicants, if admitted, may have to study additional bridge courses as per the norms of the University.

Admissions Criteria: The admission to MCA/MCA(SE) will be on the basis of NIMCET 2023/CET/CUET# in following order of priority:

  1. NIMCET 2023
  2. CET (If Seats remain vacant after admission through NIMCET counselling on the basis of merit of NIMCET 2023, the University will consider admission in MCA/ MCA (SE) on the basis of CET. The vacant seats after exhausting the merit list of CET will be filled through the merit list of CUET#.
Bachelor of Computer Applications (MCA 3 YEARS)
No.CET CodeAdmission ThroughEligibility Criteria & Admission Criteria
  1. CET
  2. CUET#

Eligibility Criteria: Pass in 12th Class of 10+2 of CBSE or equivalent with a minimum of 50% marks in aggregate* with pass in English (core or elective or functional). Mathematics or Computer Science / or any other subject related to Computer Science.


Three year Diploma in a branch of Engineering from a polytechnic duly approved by All India Council for Technical Education and affiliated to a recognized examining body with a minimum of 50% marks in aggregate.

Admission Criteria: Admission shall be on the basis of the merit of the CET. The vacant seats after exhausting the merit list of CET will be filled through the merit list of CUET#.


Scheme of Examination & Detailed Syllabus for Master of Computer Applications (MCA) Degree (02 Years) GGSIPU w. e. f. A.S. 2020-21 Onwards
Scheme of Examination & Detailed Syllabus for Bachelor of Computer Applications (BCA) Degree (04 Years) GGSIPU w. e. f. A.S. 2024-25 Onwards
BCA Syllabus First Year 2024-25 Onwards
Scheme of Examination & Detailed Syllabus for Bachelor of Computer Applications (BCA) Degree (03 Years) GGSIPU w. e. f. A.S. 2021-22 Onwards
Scheme of Examination & Detailed Syllabus for Bachelor of Computer Applications (BCA) Degree (03 Years) GGSIPU w. e. f. A.S. 2011-12 Onwards

Scheme of Examination

MCA Semester Wise Examination Scheme2020-21
BCA Semester Wise Examination Scheme2024-25
BCA Semester Wise Examination Scheme2021-22
BCA Semester Wise Examination Scheme2011-12

BCA Scheme of EXAMINATION w.e.f AS 2021-22 Onwards

First Semester Wise Evaluation Scheme
Code No.PaperNEP Course CategoryLT/PCreditsMarks
BCA 101TProgramming for Problem Solving using CCore Course Theory4—44060100
BCA 103TFundamental of Information TechnologyCore Course Theory4—44060100
BCA 105T#Web Technologies#Core Course Theory4—44060100
BCA 107TMathematical Foundation for Computer ScienceCore Course Theory4—44060100
BCA 101PProgramming for Problem Solving using C LabCore Course Practical—424060100
BCA 103PFundamental of Information Technology LabCore Course Practical—424060100
BCA 141TWriting SkillsAbility Enhancement Course3—3100—100
BCA 105P#Web Technologies LabSkill Enhancement Course—214060100
BCA 191T*Understanding India*(NUES)Value Added Course (VA)2—2100—100
BCA 181T+Bridge Course in Mathematics+(NUES)Bridge Course : Mandatory for Students from Non Mathematics background2——Pass Grade——
 Total   26  900

Note :

* NUES (Non – University Examination Subject) – Only Internal Assessment by the Institute)+ NUES Non Credit subject mandatory for the students who do not have mathematics in 12th std. Passing is mandatory for the student by obtaining at least pass marks (40%). The examination of this paper shall be conducted by the concerned teacher teaching the course / paper as Teacher’s Continuous Evaluation for a total 100 marks. Only the Pass / Fail status is to be specified on the marksheet of the examination and the result of the student.
# Generic Elective (GE) for other undergraduate programmes (Refer Table 5 for details)
Second Semester Wise Evaluation Scheme
Code No.PaperNEP Course CategoryLT/PCreditsMarks
BCA 102T#Database Management System (DBMS)Core Course Theory4—44060100
BCA 104TObject Oriented Programming using JavaCore Course Theory4—44060100
BCA 106TData Structures and algorithmsCore Course Theory4—44060100
BCA 108TSoftware EngineeringCore Course Theory4—44060100
BCA 102PDBMS LabCore Course Practical—214060100
BCA 104PObject Oriented Programming using Java LabCore Course Practical—424060100
BCA 106PData Structures and algorithms LabCore Course Practical—214060100
BCA 108PSoftware Engineering LabCore Course Practical—214060100
BCA 142TSoft SkillsAbility Enhancement Course3—3100—100
BCA 192TEnvironment StudiesValue Added Course2—22575100
 Total   26  1000

Note :

Generic Elective (GE) for other undergraduate programmes (Refer Table 5 for details)
** Students must complete one work based vocational course of 4 credits after the second semester during the summer vacation of the first year for which evaluation will be conducted in the third semester. (As mentioned in the scheme of the Third Semester). Vocational course will be held for 4 weeks after the end of the second semester and its evaluation will be conducted in the third semester.
Third Semester Wise Evaluation Scheme
Code No.PaperNEP Course CategoryLT/PCreditsMarks
BCA 201TPython ProgrammingCore Course Theory4—44060100
BCA 203T#Dynamic Web DesigningCore Course Theory4—44060100
BCA 205TComputer Organization and ArchitectureCore Course Theory4—44060100
BCA 108TDiscrete MathematicsCore Course Theory4—44060100
BCA 102PDBMS LabCore Course Practical—214060100
BCA 201PPython Programming LabCore Course Practical—424060100
BCA 203P#Dynamic Web Designing LabCore Course Practical—214060100
BCA 205PComputer Organization and Architecture LabCore Course Practical—214060100
BCA 261*Vocational Course*Skills Enhancement Course4—4100—100
BCA 221TPrinciples of Management & Organizational BehaviorGeneric Elective3—34060100
BCA 223TOpen Elective offered by other Department/School/ProgrammeGeneric Elective3—34060100
BCA 291T***Human Values and Ethics***(NUES)Value Added Course2—24060100
 Total   29  1100

Note :

* Students must complete one work based vocational course of 4 credits after second semester during the summer vacation of the first year for which evaluation will be conducted in third semester.
** Choose one subject from list of GE-1
# Generic Elective (GE) for other undergraduate programmes (Refer Table 5 for details)
Four Semester Wise Evaluation Scheme
Code No.PaperNEP Course CategoryLT/PCreditsMarks
BCA 202TOperating SystemsCore Course Theory4—44060100
BCA 204TSoftware TestingCore Course Theory4—44060100
BCA 202POperating Systems LabCore Course Practical—214060100
BCA 204PSoftware Testing LabCore Course Practical—214060100
BCA 232Introduction to Logic & Critical ThinkingAbility Enhancement Course—42100—100
BCA 234*Health & Wellness, Yoga Education and Sports & Fitness*Skills Enhancement Course—42100—100
BCA 212TIntroduction to Data Science andProgramme Core Elective4—44060100
BCA 212PData Science LabProgramme Core Elective—434060100
BCA 216TIntroduction to Security, Acts and Cyber Laws and Cyber SecurityProgramme Core Elective4—44060100
BCA 216PIntroduction to Security, Acts and Cyber Laws and Cyber Security LabProgramme Core Elective—424060100
BCA 218TWeb Development Using PythonProgramme Core Elective4—44060100
BCA 218PWeb Development Using Python LabProgramme Core Elective—424060100
BCA 220TInformation SecurityProgramme Core Elective4—44060100
BCA 220PInformation Security LabProgramme Core Elective—424060100
BCA 222TDigital MarketingGeneric Elective3—34060100
BCA 224TPrinciples of AccountingGeneric Elective3—34060100
BCA 226TOpen Elective offered by other Department/ School /programme***Generic Elective3—34060100
 Total   23  900

Note :

* NUES (Non – University Examination Subject) – Only Internal Assessment by the Institute) i.e. the assessment shall be conducted by the institution for all 100 marks as Teacher’s Continuous Assessment
*** Choose one subject from list of GE-2
Summer Training (Conducted at the end of the 4th Semester and evaluation to be carried in 5th Semester) Report and Viva – Voce: Students will undergo summer training/industry visit/In-house training/In-house project during the summer break after the completion of 4th semester. Report of the same is required to be submitted to the College/ Institution. Viva-voce examination will be conducted based on the report submitted by the student. A panel of examiner will be appointed by the HOD/ Director of the Institution for internal evaluation out of 40 marks. External evaluation of 60 marks will be conduct by the examination division of the university.
Five Semester Wise Evaluation Scheme
Code No.PaperNEP Course CategoryLT/PCreditsMarks
BCA 301TComputer NetworksCore Course Theory4—44060100
BCA 303TArtificial IntelligenceCore Course Theory4—44060100
BCA 301PComputer Networks LabCore Course Practical—214060100
BCA 303PArtificial Intelligence LabCore Course Practical—214060100
BCA 305TNatural Language ProcessingProgramme Core Electives4—4100—100
BCA 305PNatural Language Processing LabProgramme Core Electives—424060100
BCA 307TNetwork SecurityProgramme Core Electives4—4100—100
BCA 307PNetwork SecurityProgramme Core Electives—424060100
BCA 309TFull Stack Development using JavaProgramme Core Electives4—4100—100
BCA 309PFull Stack Development using Java LabProgramme Core Electives—424060100
BCA 311*Summer Training*Summer Internship0044060100
BCA 313TIntroduction to Management & Entrepreneurship DevelopmentGeneric Compulsory3034060100
BCA 315T**MOOC Course**Generic Compulsory3034060100
 Total   24  800

Note :

* Summer Training (Conducted at the end of the 4th Semester and evaluation to be carried in 5th Semester) Report and Viva – Voce: Students will undergo summer training/industry visit/In-house training/In-house project during the summer break after the completion of 4th semester. Report of the same is required to be submitted to the College/ Institution. Viva-voce examination will be conducted based on the report submitted by the student. A panel of examiner will be appointed by the HOD/ Director of the Institution for internal evaluation out of 40 marks. External evaluation of 60 marks will be conduct by the examination division of the university.
**The students can learn these courses / technologies through self-paced MOOC courses or through regular courses offered by the institute during the summer break on a fast-track mode. The broad guidelines for undertaking MOOC courses are as follows:
  1. MOOC Course should be done from SWAYAM/NPTEL as per the guidelines of UGC.
  2. For securing the credits, the student is required to complete the assessment of the course and to provide the certificate of the course done from SWAYAM/NPTEL.
  3. The fees (if any) for the registration and/or assessment of the MOOC course must be borne by the student only.
  4. If the student secures more than 4 credits for the MOOC Course even then 3 credits shall be considered for this subject and the grade/marks provided by assessing authority shall be transferred to the university by the institution where the student is studying. The University’s Examination Division shall take the result of the MOOC course on record and the final result must accommodate the results received from such MOOC courses. The student must submit the result of such papers to their respective institution. All the results for the MOOC courses may be submitted before the completion of other requirements including credits requirement.
Six Semester Wise Evaluation Scheme
Code No.PaperNEP Course CategoryLT/PCreditsMarks
BCA 302TDistributed systems and Cloud ComputingCore Course Theory4—44060100
BCA 304TMachine LearningCore Course Theory4—44060100
BCA 306TSoftware Project ManagementCore Course Theory4—44060100
BCA 302PDistributed systems and Cloud Computing LabCore Course Practical0214060100
BCA 306PSoftware Project Management LabCore Course Practical0214060100
BCA 312TData Visualization & AnalyticsProgramme Core Electives4—4100—100
BCA 312PData Visualization & Analytics LabProgramme Core Electives—424060100
BCA 314TDeep Learning with PythonProgramme Core Electives4—4100—100
BCA 314PDeep Learning with Python LabProgramme Core Electives—424060100
BCA 316TWeb SecurityProgramme Core Electives4—4100—100
BCA 316PWeb Security LabProgramme Core Electives—424060100
BCA 318TMobile Application DevelopmentProgramme Core Electives4—4100—100
BCA 318PMobile Application Development LabProgramme Core Electives—424060100
BCA 320Minor ProjectMinor Project (PRJ)01464060100
BCA 304PMachine Learning LabSkill Enhancement Course0214060100
BCA 374**NSS / NCC / Cultural Clubs / Technical Society / Technical ClubsValue Added Course (Mandatory)0021000100
 Total   29  1000

Note :

* Minor Project: The student shall do the Minor project in any emerging technology.
** NUES (Non – University Examination Subject) Comprehensive evaluation of the students by the concerned coordinator of NCC / NSS / Cultural Clubs / Technical Society / Technical Clubs out of 100 marks as per evaluation schemes worked out by these societies / organizations at the institution / University level. The coordinators shall be responsible for the evaluation of the same. These activities shall start from the 1st semester and evaluation shall be conducted at the end of 6th semester for the students admitted in the first semester.

BCA Scheme of EXAMINATION w.e.f AS 2024-25 Onwards

First Semester Wise Evaluation Scheme
Code No.PaperNEP Course CategoryLT/PCreditsMarks
BCA 101TProgramming for Problem Solving using CCore Course Theory4—44060100
BCA 103TFundamental of Information TechnologyCore Course Theory4—44060100
BCA 105T#Web Technologies#Core Course Theory4—44060100
BCA 107TMathematical Foundation for Computer ScienceCore Course Theory4—44060100
BCA 101PProgramming for Problem Solving using C LabCore Course Practical—424060100
BCA 103PFundamental of Information Technology LabCore Course Practical—424060100
BCA 141TWriting SkillsAbility Enhancement Course3—3100—100
BCA 105P#Web Technologies LabSkill Enhancement Course—214060100
BCA 191T*Understanding India*(NUES)Value Added Course (VA)2—2100—100
BCA 181T+Bridge Course in Mathematics+(NUES)Bridge Course : Mandatory for Students from Non Mathematics background2——Pass Grade——
 Total   26  900

Note :

* NUES (Non – University Examination Subject) – Only Internal Assessment by the Institute)+ NUES Non Credit subject mandatory for the students who do not have mathematics in 12th std. Passing is mandatory for the student by obtaining at least pass marks (40%). The examination of this paper shall be conducted by the concerned teacher teaching the course / paper as Teacher’s Continuous Evaluation for a total 100 marks. Only the Pass / Fail status is to be specified on the marksheet of the examination and the result of the student.
# Generic Elective (GE) for other undergraduate programmes (Refer Table 5 for details)
Second Semester Wise Evaluation Scheme
Code No.PaperNEP Course CategoryLT/PCreditsMarks
BCA 102T#Database Management System (DBMS)Core Course Theory4—44060100
BCA 104TObject Oriented Programming using JavaCore Course Theory4—44060100
BCA 106TData Structures and algorithmsCore Course Theory4—44060100
BCA 108TSoftware EngineeringCore Course Theory4—44060100
BCA 102PDBMS LabCore Course Practical—214060100
BCA 104PObject Oriented Programming using Java LabCore Course Practical—424060100
BCA 106PData Structures and algorithms LabCore Course Practical—214060100
BCA 108PSoftware Engineering LabCore Course Practical—214060100
BCA 142TSoft SkillsAbility Enhancement Course3—3100—100
BCA 192TEnvironment StudiesValue Added Course2—22575100
 Total   26  1000

Note :

Generic Elective (GE) for other undergraduate programmes (Refer Table 5 for details)
** Students must complete one work based vocational course of 4 credits after the second semester during the summer vacation of the first year for which evaluation will be conducted in the third semester. (As mentioned in the scheme of the Third Semester). Vocational course will be held for 4 weeks after the end of the second semester and its evaluation will be conducted in the third semester.
Third Semester Wise Evaluation Scheme
Code No. Paper NEP Course Category L T/P Credits Marks
Internal External Max
BCA 201T Python Programming Core Course Theory 4 — 4 40 60 100
BCA 203T# Dynamic Web Designing Core Course Theory 4 — 4 40 60 100
BCA 205T Computer Organization and Architecture Core Course Theory 4 — 4 40 60 100
BCA 108T Discrete Mathematics Core Course Theory 4 — 4 40 60 100
BCA 102P DBMS Lab Core Course Practical — 2 1 40 60 100
BCA 201P Python Programming Lab Core Course Practical — 4 2 40 60 100
BCA 203P# Dynamic Web Designing Lab Core Course Practical — 2 1 40 60 100
BCA 205P Computer Organization and Architecture Lab Core Course Practical — 2 1 40 60 100
BCA 261* Vocational Course* Skills Enhancement Course 4 — 4 100 — 100
BCA 221T Principles of Management & Organizational Behavior Generic Elective 3 — 3 40 60 100
BCA 223T Open Elective offered by other Department/School/Programme Generic Elective 3 — 3 40 60 100
BCA 291T*** Human Values and Ethics***(NUES) Value Added Course 2 — 2 40 60 100
Total 29 1100

Note :

* Students must complete one work based vocational course of 4 credits after second semester during the summer vacation of the first year for which evaluation will be conducted in third semester.
** Choose one subject from list of GE-1
# Generic Elective (GE) for other undergraduate programmes (Refer Table 5 for details)
Four Semester Wise Evaluation Scheme
Code No. Paper NEP Course Category L T/P Credits Marks
Internal External Max
BCA 202T Operating Systems Core Course Theory 4 — 4 40 60 100
BCA 204T Software Testing Core Course Theory 4 — 4 40 60 100
BCA 202P Operating Systems Lab Core Course Practical — 2 1 40 60 100
BCA 204P Software Testing Lab Core Course Practical — 2 1 40 60 100
BCA 232 Introduction to Logic & Critical Thinking Ability Enhancement Course — 4 2 100 — 100
BCA 234* Health & Wellness, Yoga Education and Sports & Fitness* Skills Enhancement Course — 4 2 100 — 100
BCA 212T Introduction to Data Science and Programme Core Elective 4 — 4 40 60 100
BCA 212P Data Science Lab Programme Core Elective — 4 3 40 60 100
BCA 216T Introduction to Security, Acts and Cyber Laws and Cyber Security Programme Core Elective 4 — 4 40 60 100
BCA 216P Introduction to Security, Acts and Cyber Laws and Cyber Security Lab Programme Core Elective —4 2 40 60 100
BCA 218T Web Development Using Python Programme Core Elective 4 — 4 40 60 100
BCA 218P Web Development Using Python Lab Programme Core Elective — 4 2 40 60 100
BCA 220T Information Security Programme Core Elective 4 — 4 40 60 100
BCA 220P Information Security Lab Programme Core Elective — 4 2 40 60 100
BCA 222T Digital Marketing Generic Elective 3 — 3 40 60 100
BCA 224T Principles of Accounting Generic Elective 3 — 3 40 60 100
BCA 226T Open Elective offered by other Department/ School /programme*** Generic Elective 3 — 3 40 60 100
Total 23 900

Note :

* NUES (Non – University Examination Subject) – Only Internal Assessment by the Institute) i.e. the assessment shall be conducted by the institution for all 100 marks as Teacher’s Continuous Assessment
*** Choose one subject from list of GE-2
Summer Training (Conducted at the end of the 4th Semester and evaluation to be carried in 5th Semester) Report and Viva – Voce: Students will undergo summer training/industry visit/In-house training/In-house project during the summer break after the completion of 4th semester. Report of the same is required to be submitted to the College/ Institution. Viva-voce examination will be conducted based on the report submitted by the student. A panel of examiner will be appointed by the HOD/ Director of the Institution for internal evaluation out of 40 marks. External evaluation of 60 marks will be conduct by the examination division of the university.
Five Semester Wise Evaluation Scheme
Code No. Paper NEP Course Category L T/P Credits Marks
Internal External Max
BCA 301T Computer Networks Core Course Theory 4 — 4 40 60 100
BCA 303T Artificial Intelligence Core Course Theory 4 — 4 40 60 100
BCA 301P Computer Networks Lab Core Course Practical — 2 1 40 60 100
BCA 303P Artificial Intelligence Lab Core Course Practical — 2 1 40 60 100
BCA 305T Natural Language Processing Programme Core Electives 4 — 4 100 — 100
BCA 305P Natural Language Processing Lab Programme Core Electives — 4 2 40 60 100
BCA 307T Network Security Programme Core Electives 4 — 4 100 — 100
BCA 307P Network Security Programme Core Electives — 4 2 40 60 100
BCA 309T Full Stack Development using Java Programme Core Electives 4 — 4 100 — 100
BCA 309P Full Stack Development using Java Lab Programme Core Electives — 4 2 40 60 100
BCA 311* Summer Training* Summer Internship 0 0 4 40 60 100
BCA 313T Introduction to Management & Entrepreneurship Development Generic Compulsory 3 0 3 40 60 100
BCA 315T** MOOC Course** Generic Compulsory 3 0 3 40 60 100
Total 24 800

Note :

* Summer Training (Conducted at the end of the 4th Semester and evaluation to be carried in 5th Semester) Report and Viva – Voce: Students will undergo summer training/industry visit/In-house training/In-house project during the summer break after the completion of 4th semester. Report of the same is required to be submitted to the College/ Institution. Viva-voce examination will be conducted based on the report submitted by the student. A panel of examiner will be appointed by the HOD/ Director of the Institution for internal evaluation out of 40 marks. External evaluation of 60 marks will be conduct by the examination division of the university.
**The students can learn these courses / technologies through self-paced MOOC courses or through regular courses offered by the institute during the summer break on a fast-track mode. The broad guidelines for undertaking MOOC courses are as follows:
  1. MOOC Course should be done from SWAYAM/NPTEL as per the guidelines of UGC.
  2. For securing the credits, the student is required to complete the assessment of the course and to provide the certificate of the course done from SWAYAM/NPTEL.
  3. The fees (if any) for the registration and/or assessment of the MOOC course must be borne by the student only.
  4. If the student secures more than 4 credits for the MOOC Course even then 3 credits shall be considered for this subject and the grade/marks provided by assessing authority shall be transferred to the university by the institution where the student is studying. The University’s Examination Division shall take the result of the MOOC course on record and the final result must accommodate the results received from such MOOC courses. The student must submit the result of such papers to their respective institution. All the results for the MOOC courses may be submitted before the completion of other requirements including credits requirement.
Six Semester Wise Evaluation Scheme
Code No. Paper NEP Course Category L T/P Credits Marks
Internal External Max
BCA 302T Distributed systems and Cloud Computing Core Course Theory 4 — 4 40 60 100
BCA 304T Machine Learning Core Course Theory 4 — 4 40 60 100
BCA 306T Software Project Management Core Course Theory 4 — 4 40 60 100
BCA 302P Distributed systems and Cloud Computing Lab Core Course Practical 0 2 1 40 60 100
BCA 306P Software Project Management Lab Core Course Practical 0 2 1 40 60 100
BCA 312T Data Visualization & Analytics Programme Core Electives 4 — 4 100 — 100
BCA 312P Data Visualization & Analytics Lab Programme Core Electives — 4 2 40 60 100
BCA 314T Deep Learning with Python Programme Core Electives 4 — 4 100 — 100
BCA 314P Deep Learning with Python Lab Programme Core Electives — 4 2 40 60 100
BCA 316T Web Security Programme Core Electives 4 — 4 100 — 100
BCA 316P Web Security Lab Programme Core Electives — 4 2 40 60 100
BCA 318T Mobile Application Development Programme Core Electives 4 — 4 100 — 100
BCA 318P Mobile Application Development Lab Programme Core Electives — 4 2 40 60 100
BCA 320 Minor Project Minor Project (PRJ) 0 14 6 40 60 100
BCA 304P Machine Learning Lab Skill Enhancement Course 0 2 1 40 60 100
BCA 374** NSS / NCC / Cultural Clubs / Technical Society / Technical Clubs Value Added Course (Mandatory) 0 0 2 100 0 100
Total 29 1000

Note :

* Minor Project: The student shall do the Minor project in any emerging technology.
** NUES (Non – University Examination Subject) Comprehensive evaluation of the students by the concerned coordinator of NCC / NSS / Cultural Clubs / Technical Society / Technical Clubs out of 100 marks as per evaluation schemes worked out by these societies / organizations at the institution / University level. The coordinators shall be responsible for the evaluation of the same. These activities shall start from the 1st semester and evaluation shall be conducted at the end of 6th semester for the students admitted in the first semester.
Seven Semester Wise Evaluation Scheme
Code No. Paper NEP Course Category L T/P Credits Marks
Internal External Max
BCA 401T E-Commerce Core Course Theory 4 — 4 40 60 100
BCA 403T Internet Of Things (IOT) Core Course Theory 4 — 4 40 60 100
BCA 401P E-Commerce Lab Core Course Practical 0 2 1 40 60 100
BCA 403P Internet Of Things (IOT) lab Core Course Practical 0 2 1 40 60 100
BCA 405 Major Project-1 Major Project (PRJ) 0 12 6 40 60 100
BCA 461** Vocational Course Skill Enhancement Course 0 — 2 100 — 100
Total 18 600

Note :

* Major Project :The student shall do the Major project in any emerging technology.
** NUES (Non – University Examination Subject) – Only Internal Assessment by the Institute) i.e. the assessment shall be conducted by the institution for all 100 marks as Teacher’s Continuous Assessment. Evaluation will be based on Summer Training held after fourth semester.
Eight Semester Wise Evaluation Scheme
Code No. Paper NEP Course Category L T/P Credits Marks
Internal External Max
BCA 402 Major Project-2 Major Project (PRJ) 20 0 10 40 60 100
BCA 404 Industry Internship Report Industry Internship(IIR) 20 0 10 40 60 100
Total 10 100

Note :

By default, every student shall do the project work Minor Project (BCA 320) during sixth semester. Those students who wants to peruse BCA (Hons.) shall do Major Project-1 (BCA-405) during seventh semester and Major Project–2 (BCA-402) during eighth semester. A student shall either be allowed to do Major project-2 (BCA-402) or an internship (BCA-404). The student must apply for approval to do internship before the commencement of the 8th semester to the college, and only after approval of HOD / Director of the college through Training and Placement Officer of the college, shall proceed for internship.
** The student offered minor project work / major project shall be allocated a supervisor / guide for project work at the end of 5th semester by the college and the project shall continue into the 8th semester.
# Students may be allowed to do internship in 8th semester in lieu of Major project-2. The students allowed to proceed for internship shall be required to maintain a log-book of activities performed during internship. The same has to be countersigned by the mentor at the organization where internship is completed.
Evaluation shall be conducted of 40 marks (Teachers’ continuous evaluation / internal assessment) by the training and placement officer of the college on the basis of the report submitted by the student. And, 60 marks by a bench of the Training and Placement Officer of the college and the external examiner deputed by examinations division (COE), for a total of 100 marks.
In the absence of the supervisor or the Training and placement officer (as the case may be), the HOD/ Director of the college can assign the responsibility of the supervisor or the Training and Placement officer (for purpose of examinations) to any faculty of the college.


The department was set up with an aspiration to generate manpower, with the ability to take on challenges and fare forward in the realm of Information & Communication Technology. The department aspires to produce individuals equipped to contribute for progress at all levels: individual, national and global. The department has highly qualified & experienced faculty who excel in their respective areas. The department also encourages research work in various areas of information, communication & technology. More emphasis was given on MOOCs and platform like SWAYAM to be used for meeting the pre-requisites rather than making it part of main course contents.The Curriculum is further enhanced with value additions and designed to cater to the ever changing demands of ICT, with the necessary inputs from the Industry and recommends following discipline / courses (Thrust Areas) must be promoted.


Thrust Areas for Conduct of FDPS (Category Wise)
Thrust Areas of AICTE Training And Learning (ATAL) Academy FDPs/CPDPs 2022-23


National Education Policy (NEP) 2020
Student Induction Programme - Deeksharambh - SAGE
Outcome Based Curriculum
Guidelines Innovative Pedagogical Approaches Evaluation Reforms
Improving Quality Structure (Bloom’s Taxonomy Assessment )
Blended Learning & Flipped Classroom
Competencies Performance Indicator
Assessing Abilities & Professional Skills
Bloom’s Taxonomy of Educational Objectives
Rubrics Scoring Sample
Educational Objectives and Curricular Organization
Thrust Areas for Research
Best Practices
Employability Enhancement: Mentoring Academicians & Professionals for Future Generation
Best Faculty Award-MCA-2019-20
Best Faculty Award-MCA-2018-19
Best Faculty Award-MCA-2017-18
Best Faculty Award-BCA-2021-22
Best Faculty Award-BCA-2020-21

HEAD OF department

Name of Faculty
Dr. Sushma Bahuguna
Dr. Rajesh Kumar
  • Webpage Incharge : Dr. Sushma (MCA), Dr. Neeta (BCA 1st), Dr. Rajesh (BCA 2nd)