A Unit of Health & Education Society (Regd.)

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  • Recognized Under Sec. 2(f) of UGC Act 1956,
  • Approved by AICTE, Ministry of Education, Govt. of India,
  • Affiliated to Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University.


Academic Bank of Credits (ABC)
(ABC Scheme)


Academic Bank of Credits (ABC) is an academic service mechanism as a digital/virtual/online entity established and managed by MOE/UGC to facilitate students to become its academic account holders and having the way for seamless student mobility. between or within degree-granting; HEIs through a formal system of credit recognition, credit accumulation, credit transfers and credit redemption to promote distributed and flexible teaching- learning.; ABC, as envisaged in the National Educational Policy-2020, shall be a national-level facility to promote flexibility of curriculum framework and interdisciplinary/multidisciplinary academic mobility of students across the Higher Education Institutions in the country with appropriate “credit transfer” mechanism created through Regulations. It shall be a mechanism to facilitate the students to choose their own learning path to attain a Degree/ Diploma/PG-diploma etc., working on the principle of multiple entry-multiple exit as well as anytime, anywhere, and any level learning.

ABC shall enable the integration of multiple disciplines of higher learning leading to the desired learning outcomes including increased creativity, innovation, higher order thinking and critical analysis. ABC shall provide significant autonomy to the students by providing extensive choice of courses for a programme of study, flexibility in curriculum, novel and engaging course options across a number of higher education disciplines/ institutions.


  1. To promote student centricity with learner-friendly approaches in higher education across the country and promote more inter-disciplinary approach in higher education
  2. To enable students to select the best courses/combination of courses to suit their aptitude and knowledge thirst.
  3. To permit students to choose a pace for their studies along with the associated logistics and cost.
  4. To allow students to tailor their degrees or make specific modifications/specializations rather than undergoing the rigid, regularly prescribed degree/courses of a single university/autonomous college.
  5. To allow students to tailor their degrees or make specific modifications/specializations rather than undergoing the rigid, regularly prescribed degree/courses of a single university/autonomous college.
  6. To support procedurally the teaching-learning activities to happen in a distributed and blended manner through integration across campuses/universities/autonomous colleges with increased mobility.
  7. To facilitate lifelong learning amongst all i.e, formal and informal students both from fulltime and part time modes.
  8. To satisfy the students’ quest for knowledge, freedom to choose and change their academic directions, connect different domains and help them acquire right foundations and building blocks of their dreams.


“Academic Flexibility” is the provision for innovative and interchangeable curricular structures to enable creative combinations of Courses/Programmes in Disciplines of study leading to Degree/Diploma/PG Diploma/Certificate of Study offering multiple entry and multiple exit facilities in tune with National Education Policy-2020, while removing the rigid curricular boundaries and creating new possibilities of life-long learning.

  1. “Course” means one of the specified units which go to comprise a programme of study;
  2. “Credits” means the standard methodology of calculating one hour of theory/one hour of tutorial/ two hours of laboratory work. per week for a duration of a semester (13-15 weeks).
  3. “Credits” for internship should be one credit per one week subject to a maximum of six credits.
  4. ‘‘Credits” can be awarded by all the degree awarding institutions.
  5. “Credit accumulation” means the facility created by ABC in the ‘Academic Bank Account’ opened by students across the country in order to transfer and consolidate the ‘credits’ earned by them by undergoing “courses” in any of the eligible HEIs.
  6. “Credits recognition” would mean the credits earned through eligible/partnering HEIs and transferred directly to the ABC by the concerned HEI.
  7. “Credit redemption” means the process of commuting the accrued ‘credits’ in the ‘Academic Bank Account’ of the students maintained in ABC for the purpose of fulfilling the ‘credits requirements’ for the award of Degrees/Diplomas/Certificates etc., by the degree-awarding HEIs.
  8. “Credit-transfer” means the mechanism by which the eligible HEIs registered with ABC are able to receive or provide prescribed ‘credits’ to individual registered ABC account in adherence to the UGC credit norms for the ‘course/s’ registered by the desirous students in any eligible higher education institution within India
  9. “Programme”/“Programme of study” means a higher education programme pursued for a degree specified by the Commission under Section 22 (3) of the UGC Act;
  10. “Specified Higher Education Institutions” are the HEIs who are permitted to become a member of ABC.
  11. “Statutory/Regulatory Body” means a body so constituted by a Central Act or a State Government Act for setting and maintaining standards in the relevant areas of higher education;
  12. “Student” means a person admitted to and pursuing a specified credit- based course/programme of study in a higher education institution.


December – 2023
Email Recevied from Coe2@ipu.ac.in Step by Step User Guide – Using Multiple Channels to Create ABC ID for Academic Institutions 10/12/2023
Email Recevied from Coe2@ipu.ac.in Step by Step User Guide for Academic Institutions and Students 10/12/2023
July – 2023
Email Received from Coe2@ipu.ac.in Circular Regarding Implementation of National Academic Depository (NAD) and Academic Banks of Credit (ABC) 03/07/2023
January – 2023
Email Recevied from Coe2@ipu.ac.in Implementation of Academic Bank of Credit (ABC) and National Academic 06/01/2023
December – 2022
UGC Letter Ref. No. D.O. No. F.1/51/2022(ABC/CU)Dated:26.12.2022 Implementation of Academic Bank of Credit (ABC) and the University Level 26/12/2022
August – 2022
Email Recevied from admin@aicte-india.org Implementation of Academic Bank of Credit (ABC) and the University Level 24/08/2022
February – 2021
Email Recevied from admin@aicte-india.org Public Notice on UGC (Establishment and operationalizatonal of Academic Bank of Credits (ABC) Scheme in Higher Education) Regulations, 2021 01/02/2021

Abc (id) 2023-24

1. BBA 1st 120 120
2nd 120 106
2. BCA 1st 120 120
2nd 120 106
3. BA(JMC) 1st 120 68
2nd 120 24
4. MBA1st40 09
2nd40 05
5.MCA1st30 05

Abc (id) 2022-23

1. MBA 1st 120 27
2nd 120 09
2. BBA 1st 180 165
2nd 180 134
3. BA(JMC) 1st 120 103
2nd 120 62
4. BCA1st60 58
2nd60 57

Abc (id) 2021-22

1. MBA 1st 120 15
2nd 120 NANANANA
2. BBA 1st 180 174
2nd 180 177
3. BA(JMC) 1st 120 113
2nd 120 106
4.BCA1st60 60
2nd60 60
  • Webpage Incharge : Ms. Chahat Malhotra