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  • Recognized Under Sec. 2(f) of UGC Act 1956,
  • Approved by AICTE, Ministry of Education, Govt. of India,
  • Affiliated to Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University.

Add-On courses


Value-Added courses are part of the curriculum that is aimed to educate students with the skills; they need to enhance their employability quotient and equipped them with the abilities they need to succeed in life. The BAJMC Department of Tecnia Institute of Advanced Studies, Rohini, New Delhi has established a variety of value-added courses in order to enhance students’ existing skill sets and match them with industry expectations. These courses will be led by professionals or in-house personnel, and they will help students stand out in the job market by adding value to their CV. These programmes typically have sessions once a semester, allowing students to pursue them without disrupting their normal degree course work



  1. A system containing ‘Mangal Font’ for the practice of Hindi Typing.
  2. Basic understanding of Hindi Grammar.
  3. Basic sense and understanding of News Writing.
  4. Basic knowledge of different reporting beats.


  1. To prepare students from the perspective of employability for the Hindi Media Houses and Organizations.
  2. To prepare students from the perspective of employability for the role of Hindi Content Writer.
  3. To develop an understanding about the mannerism of Hindi News Writing.
  4. To develop writing skills from the employability perspective for the role of Content Writer and as well as for the News Reporter and Writer

Learning Outcomes

  1. Students would be prepared from the perspective of employability for the Hindi Media Houses and Organizations.
  2. Students would be prepared from the perspective of employability for the role of Hindi Content Writer.
  3. Students would be having an understanding about the mannerism of Hindi News Writing.
  4. Students would be having writing skills from the employability perspective for the role of Content Writer and as well as for the News Reporter and Writer

How to Download Mangal font

Mangal Font is a Devnagari Script Font or Hindi Font which is based upon Unicode. Or in other terms it’s most common Unicode Hindi font widely used for Hindi Typing or Media Industry. Mangal Font is by default install in Windows Operating System You can check in your system go to Control Panel -> Fonts -> Search for Mangal you will find it. If Your PC or Laptop have not Mangal font in your Device then download it’s free on Google Platform.

  1. Download the font from Google Fonts, or another font website.
  2. Unzip the font by double-clicking on the.
  3. Open the font folder, which will show the font or fonts you downloaded.
  4. Open the folder, then right-click on each font file and select Install.
  5. Your font should now be installed!

Introduction of Hindi Keyboard(Mangal)

Hindi Word spelling knowledge

(हिंदी वर्तनी शुद्धि) किसी शब्द को लिखने मे प्रयुक्त वर्णोँ के क्रम को वर्तनीया अक्षरी कहते है । अँग्रेजी मे वर्तनी को‘Spelling’ तथा उर्दू मे ‘हिज्जे’ कहते है । उच्चारण दोष अथवा शब्द रचना के नियमों की जानकारी की अपर्याप्तता के कारण सामान्यतः वर्तनी अशुद्धि हो जाती है ।
  1. उच्चारण दोष: कई क्षेत्रो व भाषाओ मे, स–श, व–ब, न–ण आदि वर्णो मे अर्थ भेदन ही किया जाता तथा इनके स्थान पर एक ही वर्णस, बयान बोला जाता है, जबकि हिन्दी मे इन वर्णो की अलग–अलग अर्थ –भेदक ध्वनियाँ है । अतः उच्चारण दोष के कारण इनके लेखन मे अशुद्धि हो जाती है ।
  2. अक्षर रचना की जानकारी का अभाव:देवनागरी लिपि मे संयुक्त व्यंजनो मे दो व्यंजन मिलाकर लिखे जाते है, परन्तु इनके लिखने मे त्रुटि हो जाती है ।

The movement of fingers on Keyboard

It is important to position your hands on the keyboard correctly. Your fingers must be in the middle row of your keyboard on the “home keys”: Starting with your left hand, place your little finger on key A, ring finger on S, middle finger on D and index finger on F. Your thumb must rest on the Space bar.

Instructions of Typewriting in Mangal font

How to type Single word, double words and Sentence using of Mangal font & how to type special in Hindi using of Mangal font.

Speed Practice / Practical Training

Students Will practices sentence and improve their Speed in Hindi typing

Assignments (Weekly Based)

Every Week Students will work on typing Assignment & Submit to Resource Person.

Note :Hindi Typing Value Added Course will carry total 15 hours (Weekly 5 Hours: 4 Hours Lecture & 1 Hour Assignment)

उद्देश्य :

समाचार की अवधारणा ,समाचार मूल्य की पहचान और समाचार लेखन की प्रक्रिया से परिचय कराना, रिपोर्टिंग के सैद्धांतिक एवं व्यावहारिक ज्ञान से अवगत कराना, विद्यार्थियों को प्रिंट पत्रकारिता के लिए लिखने के लिए सक्षम बनाना ,इसके लिए सूचना संग्रहण प्रसंस्करण और प्रेषण कौशल का प्रशिक्षण देने पर जोर रहेगा |

समाचार लेखन

S.No. विवरण अवधि
  1. समाचार अवधारणा एवं समाचार लेखन
    1. समाचार : अवधारणा ,परिभाषा, तत्व और समाचार मूल्य, समाचार के प्रकार
    2. समाचार लेखन की प्रक्रिया ,समाचार मूल्यों जांच , समाचार का ढांचा : समाचार आमुख और उसके प्रकार ,समाचार का विस्तार और समापन
    3. समाचार लेखन की प्रक्रिया में ध्यान रखने योग्य बात ,समाचार लेखन की प्रमुख शैलियां :उल्टा पिरामिड ,फीचर शैली, आदि
  1. स्थानीय रिपोर्टिंग
    1. शहर और स्थानीय निकायों की खबरें ,नागरिक मुद्दे ,सड़क ,बिजली ,पेयजल ,परिवहन नागरिक सुविधाएं, आदि
  1. जन स्वास्थ्य रिपोर्टिंग
    1. जन स्वास्थ्य रिपोर्टिंग : साक्ष्य आधारित रिपोर्टिंग, उसके श्रोत, पुष्टि और जांच पड़ताल, नैतिक पहलू
  1. खेल रिपोर्टिंग
    1. खेलों की रिपोर्टिंग : रिपोर्टिंग की तैयारी, स्रोत मैच विवरण, मैच का विश्लेषण, आंकड़ों की भूमिका, खेल रिपोर्टिंग की भाषा, शैली और शब्दावली
  1. मनोरंजन रिपोर्टिंग
    1. मनोरंजन रिपोर्टिंग और लेखन : टीवी कार्यक्रम, खानपान, शॉपिंग, त्योहारों आदि की रिपोर्टिंग।
    2. फिल्म के लिए रिपोर्टिंग : उसमें प्रमुख क्षेत्र, उसकी तैयारी, स्रोत, साक्षात्कार और लेखन, फिल्म समीक्षा की बारीकियां और शैली ।
  1. क्राइम रिपोर्टिंग
    1. क्राइम रिपोर्टिंग के स्रोत, जांच –पड़ताल, सम्बंधित कानून और अपराध संहिता
  1. राजनीतिक रिपोर्टिंग
    1. राजनीति के लिए रिपोर्टिंग आवश्यक तैयारी, राजनीतिक दलों, विधानसभा और संसद की रिपोर्टिंग
  1. बीट और उससे जुड़े स्रोत
    1. स्रोत विकसित करने की कला, सूचनाओं और तथ्यों की खोज, छानबीन और चयन प्रक्रिया, प्रेस कॉन्फ्रेंस, प्रेस रिलीज़ और सभा, सेमिनार -भाषण से समाचार संकलन
  1. कार्य शाला
    1. स्थानीय रिपोर्टिंग, जन स्वास्थ्य रिपोर्टिंग, खेल रिपोर्टिंग, मनोरंजन रिपोर्टिंग, क्राइम रिपोर्टिंग, राजनीतिक रिपोर्टिंग


  1. Paramount Hindi Typing Practice Book (Mangal Font) by Paramount authors
  2. Puja Computer Hindi Typing (Mangal & kruti Dev Font) (Unicode Inscript Keyboard) by Navjeevan
  3. Lekhak Kaise Banein (Hindi Translation: How to be a Writer) by Ruskin Bond (Author), Reenu Talwar (Translator)
  4. समाचार: लेखन एवं रिपोर्टिंग – News: Writing and Reporting by Publisher: Shivalik Prakashan


  1. Students should have a clear vision about the idea of photography.
  2. They should have focused point of view and clear vision towards anything to click a photo.
  3. They should have little bit of journalistic and communication skills as an aspiring photo journalist


  1. To define Photography and all about its exposure and composition
  2. To explain all about the lenses and various streams of photography
  3. To describe the parts of a digital camera and their functions
  4. To describe various lights and lighting applications
  5. To demonstrate proficiency of knowledge in Photo Journalism

Learning Outcomes

On completion of this course students would be able to get knowledge about camera and its parts. They can do photography with in-depth knowledge of its composition, exposure and depth of field. It would be easy for the students to use Cameras in best way in all situations. They would be able to use various kinds of lights according to the requirement of photography. They would become a professional photographer in various areas. They would have an opportunity to open their own photo studio. They can work as photojournalist in media houses.

Detail Contents

Understanding of exposure triangle (1 Hr)
Creative use of Aperture, Shutter speed and ISO (1 Hr)
Understanding Different Light Metering modes (1 Hr)
What is Focus? (1 Hr)
Auto focus Vs Manual focus (1 Hr)
What is Depth of field? (1 Hr)
Factors that Affect the Depth of Field (1 Hr)
What is White balance? The color temperature (1 Hr)
Introduction to the art of composition (1 Hr)
Principle and Elements in Composition (1 Hr)
How to use different types of Lenses ( Prime vs. Non-Prime ) (1 Hr)
Understanding of different studio lighting patterns (1 Hr)
Understanding of color theory (1 Hr)
The types of fashion photography (1 Hr)
Tools and techniques for fashion photography (1 Hr)
Advertising Photography (1 Hr)
E- commerce Photography (1 Hr)
How to Understand your Product? (1 Hr)
Difference between Traditional and Candid Photography( Wedding) (1 Hr)
How to prepare for pre wedding shoot (1 Hr)
How to Understand your Client Better? (1 Hr)
How to Photograph an event (1 Hr)
Practical Principles in Photojournalism (1 Hr)
How to tell a story in Photojournalism (1 Hr)
Commercial (industrial) Photographers (1 Hr)
How to Photograph merchandise, clothing ,exteriors, interiors of factories and machinery (1 Hr)
latest Mirror less Technology ( Difference between DSLR and Mirror less Camera) (1 Hr)
Avoiding bad habits in Photography (1 Hr)
Q&A Session with students (1 Hr)
Assessment and Review of their Photographs (1 Hr)

References :

  1. Read This If You Want to Take Great Photographs by Henry Carroll
  2. Langford’s Basic Photography: The guide for serious photographers by Michael Langford
  3. Extraordinary Everyday Photography by Brenda Tharp and Jed Manwaring


  1. Basic understanding of Public Relations.
  2. Basic understanding of Advertising.
  3. Fundamental idea of Strategic Communication.
  4. General understanding of Creativity for Advertising.
  5. Idea of role of PR in Public Sector.


  1. To prepare students from the perspective of employability for the role of PR in Public Sector.
  2. To prepare students from the perspective of employability for the Advertising Industry.
  3. To develop an understanding about the creative aspects of Advertising.
  4. To develop visual literacy and basic consumer behavioral understanding from employability perspective.

Learning Outcomes

  1. Students will be prepared from the perspective of employability for the role of PR in Public Sector.
  2. Students will be prepared from the perspective of employability for the Advertising Industry.
  3. Students will be having an understanding about the creative aspects of Advertising.
  4. Students will be having and understanding of visual literacy and basic consumer behaviour from employability perspective

Detail Contents

  1. Indian Polity and Governance
    1. Parliamentary system
    2. Election structure and process
    3. Department of Public Relations
    4. Policy deliverance at State and Central Level
(4 Hr)
  1. Understanding Public Service Advertising:
    1. Emergence of PSA
    2. Concept, Nature, Role, Objectives, Function
    3. The Uses & Effects of PSA
    4. PSA‘s as Change Agents
    5. PSA vs Commercial Advertising
    6. PSA vs Propaganda
(6 Hr)
  1. Theories and Models in PR:
    1. JM Grunig‘s Model of Symmetrical PR, Asymmetrical PR, Organizational Theories, Conflict Theory, Structural-Functional Theory, the Excellence Theory
    2. Difference and Similarities between PR, Marketing and Advertising and how they are relevant to each other.
(4 Hr)
  1. Visual Communication
    1. Visual Literacy, Perception and Persuasion
    2. Psychological and Emotional Aspects of Color, Shapes and Forms
    3. Use of Visuals across Media, Visual Manipulation and Ethics
(3 Hr)
  1. Understanding Creativity
    1. Creativity in Advertising, Stages in the Creative Process
    2. Insights- Learning How to Use Them
    3. Lateral Thinking, Brainstorming and Various Creative
    4. Thinking Modes Like -”Thinking Hats” And Others
    5. Major Creative Thinkers in Advertising
    6. Creating Advertising Appeals: Rational and Emotional
    7. Conveying the Big Idea
    8. Appreciation and Presentation of Some of the Great and Failed Campaigns
(6 Hr)
  1. Understanding Consumer Behaviour
    1. The Indian Consumer: Psychology and Buying Behaviour
    2. Consumer Marketing
    3. Models and Applications
    4. The Consumer Behaviour Mapping and the Consumption Decision Making Process, Need for Pre and Post Consumption Behaviour Mapping
    5. Consumer Segmentation and its Importance in Marketing Strategy, Segmentation Parameters
    6. Understanding Consumer lifestyles
    7. Consumer behaviour research: How to choose the most responsive segment
    8. Understanding online consumer behaviour, Culture
(7 Hr)

References :

  1. Indian Parliamentary Democracy by U.N. Gupta
  2. Public Service Announcements: Rambling Thought to Help You in This Complex World: Rambling thoughts to help you in this complex world by M.d. Stanley, Kenneth J.
  3. Ogilvy on Advertising by David Ogilvy
  4. Visual Persuasion: The Role of Images in Advertising by Paul Messaris
  5. The Case for Creativity, by James Hurman


  1. Students should understand the marketing scenario going online and should aware themselves regarding the latest developments
  2. Students should have the interest in online entrepreneurship and its mechanism
  3. Students should be an active user of popular social media platforms and understand its intricacies
  4. Students must understand the networking business specifically and ready to learn the software’s for measuring audience


  1. To get acquainted them with the social media marketing methods and its growing significance in the contemporary world
  2. To give an overview of online entrepreneurship and the mechanism involved in it
  3. To provide an exclusive training regarding handling of social media platforms technically and its use in business
  4. To showcase them the specific software’s for the measurement of audiences and will provide the details of networking business

Learning Outcomes

References :



  1. Basic understanding of Visual Communication Design
  2. Understanding about elements, principles and Typography of design in different forms of visual and graphic communication for Print, Electronic and Web Media


  1. Apply knowledge gained of designing soft-wares for design and layout
  2. Demonstrate proficiency of skills in designing and creating layouts using page layout software for visual media

Learning Outcomes

  1. Students would be able to print designer, book designer, type designer, illustrator, environmental graphic designer, advertising, web designer, motion designer, animator, game designer, experience designer

Course Content :

Graphic Design Course syllabus designed by Tecnia is completely based on the current industrial requirement of the companies with real project work

Detail Contents

  1. Visual Communication Design
    1. Understanding about Illustrator
    2. Ad Design
    3. Logo Design
    4. Brand Identity Design
    5. Game Design
    6. Book Design
  1. Multimedia and Page Layout
    1. Understanding about Photoshop & Indesign
    2. Getting to Know the Work Area with Layer
    3. Photo Editing
    4. Special Text effects and Filters
    5. Multimedia / Web Design
    6. Layout Design

References :

  1. 1. Davis, M.(2012). Graphic Design Theory. London: Thames& Hudson
  2. Joss, M., Nelson, L. (1977). Graphic Design Tricks & Techniques. Cincinnati, OH: North Light Books.
  3. Sarkar, N. N. (1998). Designing Print Communication. New Delhi: S. Publications.
  4. Sarkar, N. N. (2012). Art and Print Production. Oxford. University Press.
  5. http://design.tutsplus.com/graphic Design Illustration Tutorials


  1. Students must understand technological advances and they should be an active user of Internet.
  2. Students should notice the new changes and keep ready themselves to deal with it
  3. Students should know the technical jargons and vocabulary required in the field
  4. Students must go through the writing skills and should have the reading ability of contents available on the websites


  1. To provide an in depth understanding of New technological innovations and upgradations in Web journalism
  2. To showcase the significance of Web journalism and its implications on masses concerned with it
  3. To give an overview about the law and ethics of Web journalism
  4. To develop the skills of writing, design, and presentation on Web journalism

Learning Outcomes

  1. Students would be able to fulfil the industry requirements as per new emerging upgradations in the field
  2. Students would understand the intricacies involved in the field of Web journalism
  3. Students can manage their own websites from journalism point of view
  4. Students would well understand the regulations and law working in the field and showcase their skills at different platforms

Course Content :

References :



  1. Students should have the interest in sports and its technical aspects.
  2. Students should know about the history, and gradual development of sport and all other components related to it.
  3. Students should understand the career prospects and the sincerity required for this field.
  4. Students should have the excellent command on language and skills required for this profession.


  1. To provide them understanding regarding sports and its technical aspects.
  2. To give an overview of history and the gradual development of sport along with its essential components.
  3. To prepare them for the career requirements and sincerity required for this field.
  4. To provide them an opportunity to develop command on language and skills required for this profession.


  1. Students would be able to understand sports and its technical aspects.
  2. Students would get an overview of history and the gradual development of sport along with its essential components.
  3. Students would be able to meet the career requirements and sincerity required for this profession.
  4. Students would be able to develop their command on language and skills which would meet the industry demands.

Detail Contents

  1. Importance of the Sports Commentator and his Qualities:
    1. Importance of awareness of the sports commentary and its qualities.
    2. The sports commentary and its position in sports production.
    3. The sports commentator: his role, mission, and skills.
    4. The sports commentator between imitation and innovation.
    5. Characteristics and rules of commentary.
    6. Characteristics and styles of sports commentary.
    7. The difference between the sports commentary and the TV and Radio commentary.
    8. Basic principles and rules of sports commentary.
    9. The difference between commentaries of different sports.
  1. Skills and Concepts:
    1. Planning and preparing the sports commentary.
    2. Controlling emotions.
    3. Learning how to control the voice and the emotions.
    4. Ethics of sports commentary.
    5. Background and promptitude of the sports commentator.
    6. Teamwork and quality assurance.
    7. Viewing and analysing selected commentaries from different sports shows.
  1. —:
    1. Conducting research on statistics, teams, and players.
    2. Role of production team and broadcasting in sports
    3. Sound engineers and media organisation produce.
    4. Operating audio and video equipment.
    5. Preparing and revising report for accuracy and clarity.
    6. Analysing a team’s play, particularly the defensive and offensive lines.
    7. On-air discussions about an event or a game with other broadcast analysts and colleagues.
    8. Creating writeups and articles about individual matches and sports news.
    9. Interacting with sports enthusiasts and delighting the crowd.
    10. Maintaining professional social media profiles with game updates, analysis and commentary.

References :

  1. Schultz, Brad & Ed Arke (2015), Sports Media, Routledge publication.
  2. Miller, James Andrew & Tom Shales (20110), Those Guys Have All the Fun – Inside the World of ESPN, LITTLE, BROWN AND COMPANY, London.
  3. https://bookauthority.org/books/best-sports-broadcasting-books


  1. A formal qualification in communications and journalism
  2. Intermediate to Advance English speaking and writing skills.
  3. Basic understanding of copywriting.
  4. Basic understanding of Advertising.


  1. To prepare students from the perspective of employability for the role of copywriter in the industry.
  2. To make students understand the industry trends and the competition in the market.
  3. To develop an understanding of the various aspects of Copywriting.
  4. To develop techniques, attributes and nuances that are important in the writing field


  1. Students will learn to research which is very important to understand the industry trends and the competition in the market to create an effective ad copy.
  2. Students will be exposed to the characteristics of good copywriting. They will also be taught the difference between good copywriting and good writing.
  3. Students will be taught techniques, attributes and nuances that are important in the writing field.
  4. Students will understand the best copywriting practices that will help them recognize social trends and stay relevant. It is very important for them to their writing fresh and to grow their vocabulary.

Detail Contents

  1. How to Research?:
    1. Competition analysis
    2. Industry trends
  1. Introduction to Copywriting:
    1. Copywriting
    2. Attributes of a good Copywriter
    3. Difference between good writing and good copywriting
    4. Master Copywriters
  1. Writing Well:
    1. Knowing Your Audience
    2. Writing with Clarity
    3. Writing with Simplicity
    4. Finding Your Voice
    5. Boredom-Free Writing
  1. Understanding the Objective of Social Media Post:
    1. To inform (conceptual knowledge)
    2. To teach (how to)
    3. To inspire
    4. To entertain
    5. To persuade
    6. To start a conversation
    7. To spark a controversy
    8. To express an opinion
    9. To share industry knowledge or resources
  1. Turning a Passion for writing into a profession:
    1. Getting Started
    2. Content That Sells
    3. Knowing Your Goal
    4. Writing for the Internet
  1. Writing crisp and effective copies:
    1. Best practices of copywriting
    2. Writing for Graphics – Statics/ Gifs and Videos
    3. Staying relevant
    4. Catching up with social trends
    5. Getting inspired
    6. Improving vocabulary and freshness
  1. How to measure the performance of copy:
    1. How to analyze a copy
    2. How to better the copy as per the analysis

References :

  1. McGraw-Hill Handbook of English Grammar and Usage.
  2. The Elements of Style.
  3. Breakthrough Advertising by Eugene Schwartz
  4. Made to Stick by Dan and Chip Heath
  5. Finding the Right Message by Jennifer Havice
  6. How to Write a Good Advertisement by Vic Schwab
MOJO Credits


  1. Basic understanding of Journalism.
  2. Basic understanding of Mobile.
  3. Fundamental idea of Mass communication and communication tools.
  4. General understanding of Citizen Journalism.


  1. To prepare students from the perspective of employability for the role of Citizen Journalist.
  2. To develop an understanding about the Journalistic aspects through Mobile Journalism.
  3. To make the students capable to Use Mobile devices to research and report on news developments.
  4. To make the students capable to use Mobile gear and apps in the field to tell compelling visual stories.
  5. To make the students capable to Plan, cover and present news in real-time on live-blogging platform, working in teams and using a range of mobile techniques and tools.


  1. Students would be prepared from the perspective of employability for the role of Citizen Journalist.
  2. Students would have an understanding about the Journalistic aspects through Mobile Journalism.
  3. Students would be capable to Use Mobile devices to research and report on news developments.
  4. Students would be capable to use Mobile gear and apps in the field to tell compelling visual stories.
  5. Students would be capable to Plan, cover and present news in real-time on live-blogging platform, working in teams and using a range of mobile techniques and tools.

Detail Contents

  1. What is Mobile Journalism?:
    1. Mobile Journalism and Citizen Journalists.
    2. Strengths of Mobile Journalism
    3. Purpose of Mobile Journalism
  1. Tools and Accessories:
    1. Equipment Required
    2. Mobile Applications
    3. Webcasting
  1. Production Aspects of Mobile Journalism:
    1. Shots
    2. Sequencing and Storyboards
    3. Editing on Mobile
  1. Global adoption and influence of the Mobile
  1. Traditional Media & MOJO
  1. Social Media & MOJO
  1. MOJO & Smartphone, Scope and reach of Smartphone
  1. Audience Research and Engagement
  1. Ethical Issues in Mobile Journalism
    1. Credibility
    2. Fake News
    3. Sensitivity
  1. Impact of MoJo on mainstream media
  1. Streaming Live Videos with mobile phones
  1. Challenges of Mobile Journalism
  1. Overcoming the Limitations of Smartphone


  1. MOJO: The Mobile Journalism Handbook How to Make Broadcast Videos with an IPhone Or IPad By Ivo Burum, Stephen Quinn.
  2. Mobile and Social Media Journalism A Practical Guide By Anthony Adornato.
  3. Mobile-First Journalism Producing News for Social and Interactive Media By Steve Hill, Paul Bradshaw.
  4. Mobile Storytelling A Journalist ́s Guide to the Smartphone Galaxy By Björn Staschen, Wytse Vellinga.
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