Tecnia Institute of Advanced Studies | MBA, BBA, MCA, BCA, BAJMC, Best Colleges in GGSIPU University Delhi

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  • Recognized Under Sec. 2(f) of UGC Act 1956,
  • Approved by AICTE, Ministry of Education, Govt. of India,
  • Affiliated to Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University.

Master of Computer Applications

MCA Course / Lab Plans Odd AS. 2024-25
Code Course Type L T/P Credits First Shift
Faculty Div A Faculty Div B
First Semester
MCA 101 Discrete Structures Core 3 1 4 Dr. Neha NA NA
MCA 103 Computer Networks Core 3 1 4 Mr. Suresh Panchal NA NA
MCA 105 Operating Systems with Linux Core 3 1 4 Ms. Bharti Aggarwal NA NA
MCA 107 Database Management Systems Core 314Dr. Sushma Bahuguna NANA
MCA 109 Object Oriented Programming and JAVACore314Ms. Shubhum Rawat NANA
MCA 161 Computer Networks Lab.Practical & Project021Mr. Suresh Panchal NANA
MCA 163 Operating Systems with Linux Lab.Practical & Project021Ms. Bharti Aggarwal NANA
MCA 165 Database Management Systems Lab.Practical & Project021Dr. Sushma Bahuguna NANA
MCA 167 Object Oriented Programming and JAVA Lab.Practical & Project021Ms. Shubhum Rawat NANA
MCA 169 Minor Project – IPractical & Project063Dr. Sushma Bahuguna NANA
MCA 171 Professional Proficiency – I (It is suggested to have Personality Developme nt and Communic ation Skills Course)NUES*021Ms. Bharti Aggarwal NANA
Total 23 3 25
Note :
* Non-University Examination System (NUES)
Third Semester
MCA 201 Design and Analysis of Algorithms Core 3 1 4 Ms. Deepak Rathore NA NA
MCA 203 Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Core 3 1 4 Dr. Rajesh Kumar NA NA
MCA 205 Statistics and Data Analytics Core Elective – II 3 1 4 Not Opted NA NA
MCA 207 Enterprise Computing with JAVA Core Elective – II Not Opted NA NA
MCA 209 Natural Language Processing Core Elective – II Not Opted NA NA
MCA 211 Computer Graphics Core Elective – II Not Opted NA NA
MCA 213 Wireless Sensor Networks Core Elective – II Not Opted NA NA
MCA 215 Software Project Management Core Elective – II Ms. Bharti Aggarwal NA NA
MCA 217 Advanced Computer Architecture Core Elective – II Not Opted NA NA
MCA 219 Distributed Systems Core Elective – II Not Opted NA NA
MCA 221 Applied Cryptography Core Elective – II Not Opted NA NA
MCA 223 Cloud Computing Core Elective – II Not Opted NA NA
MCA 225 e-Business Systems Core Elective – IINot Opted NA NA
MCA 227 Web Intelligence and Big Data Core Elective – IINot Opted NA NA
MCA 229 Flutter and Dart Core Elective – II Dr. Sushma Bahuguna NA NA
MCA 231 Service Oriented Architecture Core Elective – IINot Opted NA NA
MCA 233 Multimedia Technologies Core Elective – II Not Opted NA NA
MCA 235 Internet of Things Core Elective – II Not Opted NA NA
MCA 237 Soft Computing Core Elective – II Not Opted NA NA
MCA 239 Software Quality Management Core Elective – II Not Opted NA NA
MCA 241 Digital image Processing Core Elective – II Not Opted NA NA
MCA 243 Compiler Design Core Elective – II Not Opted NA NA
MCA 245 Parallel ComputingCore Elective- IINot Opted NA NA
MCA 247 Numerical and Scientific Computing Core Elective-II Not Opted NA NA
MCA 249 Research Methodology Open Elective –II 3 1 4 Not Opted NA NA
MCA 251 Operational Research Open Elective – II Not Opted NA NA
MCA 253 Cyber Security and Cyber Laws Open Elective –II Not Opted NA NA
MCA 255 e-Content DevelopmentOpen Elective –II Ms. Sumita Thukral NA NA
MCA 261 Design and Analysis of Algorithms Lab.Practical & Project021Ms. Deepak Rathore NA NA
MCA 263 Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Lab. Practical & Project 0 2 1 Dr. Rajesh Kumar NA NA
MCA 265 Lab. based on Core Elective-II Practical & Project 0 2 1 Ms. Bharti Aggarwal NA NA
MCA 267 Lab. based on Core Elective-III Practical & Project 0 2 1 Dr. Sushma Bahuguna NA NA
MCA 269 Minor Project-III Practical & Project 0 6 3 Dr. Sushma Bahuguna NA NA
MCA 271 Entrepreneurship Mindset (NUES) NUES* 3 0 3 Mr. Kuldeep NA NA
MCA 273 Professional Proficiency – III (It is suggested to have IPR, Human Values and Professional Ethics Course) NUES* 0 2 1 Ms. Bharti Aggarwal NA NA
Note :
*Non-University Examination System (NUES)
MCA Course / Lab Plans Even AS. 2024-25
Code Course Type L T/P Credits First Shift
Faculty Div A Faculty Div B
Second Semester
MCA 102 Data and File Structures Core 3 1 4 Ms. Bharti Aggarwal NA NA
MCA 103 Object Oriented Software Engineering Core 3 1 4 Mr. Suresh Panchal NA NA
MCA 106 Python Programming Core 3 1 4 Ms. Arnima Pathak NA NA
MCA 108 Advanced Database Management Systems Core-Elective 3 1 4 Not Opted NA NA
MCA 110 Data Warehousing and Data Mining Core-Elective 3 1 4 Not Opted NA NA
MCA 110 Mobile Applications Design and Development Core-Elective 3 1 4 Not Opted NA NA
MCA 114 Full Stack Development Core-Elective 3 1 4 Dr. Sushma Bahuguna NA NA
MCA 116 Web Technologies Core-Elective 3 1 4 Not Opted NA NA
MCA 118 Theory of Computations Core-Elective 3 1 4 Not Opted NA NA
MCA 120 Software Testing Core-Elective 3 1 4 Not Opted NA NA
MCA 122 Microprocessors Core-Elective 3 1 4 Not Opted NA NA
MCA 124 Embedded System Core-Elective 3 1 4 Not Opted NA NA
MCA 126 Information Security Core-Elective 3 1 4 Not Opted NA NA
MCA 128 Digital Marketing Open-Elective 3 1 4 Not Opted NA NA
MCA 130 Management information System Open-Elective 3 1 4 Not Opted NA NA
MCA 132 Management Principles and Organizational Behavior Open-Elective 3 1 4 Not Opted NA NA
MCA 134 Finance and Accounting Open-Elective 3 1 4 Not Opted NA NA
MCA 162 Data and File Structures Lab. Practical & Project 0 2 1 Not Opted NA NA
MCA 164 Object Oriented Software Engineering Lab Practical & Project 0 2 1 Not Opted NA NA
MCA 166 Python Programming Lab. Practical & Project 0 2 1 Not Opted NA NA
MCA 168 Lab. based on Core Elective-I Practical & Project 0 2 1 Not Opted NA NA
MCA 170 Minor Project-II Practical & Project 0 6 3 Not Opted NA NA
MCA 172 Environment Science (NUES) NUES* 3 0 3 Not Opted NA NA
MCA 174 Professional Proficiency – II (It is suggested to have Technical Paper Writing Course) NUES* 0 2 1 Not Opted NA NA

Note :

Non-University Examination System (NUES)
Fourth Semester
MCA 202 Dissertation (Major Project) NUES* 0 2 1 Not Opted NA NA
MCA 272 One MOOC Course (from SWAYAM Platform) (NUES) NUES* 0 2 1 Not Opted NA NA
MCA 274 Professional Proficiency – lV(Seminar and Progress Report) NUES* 0 2 1 Not Opted NA NA
Total 23 3 25
Note :
*Non-University Examination System (NUES)
  1. As mandated by the statutory bodies, every student shall be given 03 weeks induction training in the beginning of the first semester. Detailed guidelines for the same shall be finalized through Programme Co-ordination Committee.
  2. Institutions shall also be required to facilitate the non-computer science students for successfully completing the Bridge Courses from MOOC platform. If required, Institution may also conduct make-up classes or tutorial sessions for such students.
  3. In order to conduct classes for Electives (Core or Open), there must be a minimum of 20 students in that Elective. However, if the numbers of students are less than 20 in any of the Electives (Core or Open), the elective course may still be offered but no classes will be held and the students shall be required to successfully complete that course from the MOOC using SAWAYAM or other similar platforms. In that case, students shall be required to obtain prior approval of the Programme Co-ordination Committee for undertaking any course(s) from the MOOC platforms. Requirement of attendance, to such students, shall be waived off based upon the document of having completed the course from MOOC platforms. MCA-272 shall also be completed from the MOOC using SAWAYAM or other similar platforms, as detailed above. However, students shall be required to appear for the examinations conducted by the Institution as teachers’ continuous evaluation to earn these credits. The MOOC course should have at least 30 hours of teaching. No direct credit transfer shall be allowed based upon the Certificate of having completed these electives courses from the MOOC platforms.
  4. Detailed modalities of all the NUES Papers and MCA-202 (Dissertation) related guidelines for assessment and evaluation shall be followed as approved by the Programme Co-ordination Committee. The dissertation should be oriented towards socially relevant projects.
  5. The total number of the credits of the MCA programme = 116.
  6. Each student shall be required to appear for examinations in all courses. However, for the award of the degree a student shall be required to earn the minimum of 104 credits
  7. Evaluation of Bridge Courses shall be based in line with NUES mechanism. Institutions shall send these marks to the University as NUES Course, based upon the final MOOC Certificate. Detailed guidelines shall be approved by the Programme Co-ordination Committee
  8. The programme of study shall be governed by Ordinance 11 of the University
  9. Passing Marks shall be 40 out of 100 marks for every paper.
  1. As mandated by the statutory bodies, every student shall be given 03 weeks induction training in the beginning of the first semester. Detailed guidelines for the same shall be finalized through Programme Co-ordination Committee.
  2. Institutions shall also be required to facilitate the non-computer science students for successfully completing the Bridge Courses from MOOC platform. If required, Institution may also conduct make-up classes or tutorial sessions for such students.
  3. In order to conduct classes for Electives (Core or Open), there must be a minimum of 20 students in that Elective. However, if the numbers of students are less than 20 in any of the Electives (Core or Open), the elective course may still be offered but no classes will be held and the students shall be required to successfully complete that course from the MOOC using SAWAYAM or other similar platforms. In that case, students shall be required to obtain prior approval of the Programme Co-ordination Committee for undertaking any course(s) from the MOOC platforms. Requirement of attendance, to such students, shall be waived off based upon the document of having completed the course from MOOC platforms. MCA-272 shall also be completed from the MOOC using SAWAYAM or other similar platforms, as detailed above. However, students shall be required to appear for the examinations conducted by the Institution as teachers’ continuous evaluation to earn these credits. The MOOC course should have at least 30 hours of teaching. No direct credit transfer shall be allowed based upon the Certificate of having completed these electives courses from the MOOC platforms.
  4. Detailed modalities of all the NUES Papers and MCA-202 (Dissertation) related guidelines for assessment and evaluation shall be followed as approved by the Programme Co-ordination Committee. The dissertation should be oriented towards socially relevant projects.
  5. The total number of the credits of the MCA programme = 116.
  6. Each student shall be required to appear for examinations in all courses. However, for the award of the degree a student shall be required to earn the minimum of 104 credits
  7. Evaluation of Bridge Courses shall be based in line with NUES mechanism. Institutions shall send these marks to the University as NUES Course, based upon the final MOOC Certificate. Detailed guidelines shall be approved by the Programme Co-ordination Committee
  8. As mandated by the statutory bodies, every student shall be given 03 weeks induction training in the beginning of the first semester. Detailed guidelines for the same shall be finalized through Programme Co-ordination Committee.