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  • Recognized Under Sec. 2(f) of UGC Act 1956,
  • Approved by AICTE, Ministry of Education, Govt. of India,
  • Affiliated to Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University.


“आजादी से पहले का समय याद करें…
हां, लोगों के काम करने के तरीके अलग अलग थे
लेकिन लक्ष्य एक ही था और लक्ष्य बड़ा था
– भारत की स्वतंत्रता”

इस अमृत काल में हमें एक साथ आना होगा और विकसित भारत के
एक और बड़े लक्ष्य की दिशा में काम करें।

– प्रधानमंत्री नरेन्द्र मोदी
(15 अगस्त 2022 को लाल किले की प्राचीर से)

This narrative depicts the journey of New India, wherein we achieved independence in 1947. The attainment of the first trillion took 60 years, specifically in 2006. Subsequently, the second trillion was accomplished in a span of 8 years, in 2014. The third trillion was reached in 2019, after a duration of 5 years. Following this trajectory, the fourth trillion was achieved during 2022-23, and the fifth trillion is projected to be attained in 2026-27.

India has made remarkable progress in recent years. Since 2015, India’s GDP has surpassed that of several major economies including Russia, Italy, Brazil, France, and the UK, moving from the 10th position to the 5th. It is projected very soon, India will overtake Japan to become the 4th largest economy in the world. Prior to the pandemic, India was the fastest-growing large economy globally, and even after the pandemic, it has continued to demonstrate strong economic growth.

Largest democracy on the Planet

India is considered one of the youngest and largest democracies in the world. With a significant portion of the global workforce and middle class residing in India, it reflects the country’s growing prominence.


Throughout our history since 1947, In June 2021, India’s foreign exchange reserves crossed the US$600 billion mark for the first time, now it hovers at $642.63 in March 2024 contributed by investors from 162 different countries. This remarkable achievement represents a global record in FDI.

A new chapter in India’s journey already started on August 15, 2023, marking the start of a 9,000-day period leading up to India’s 100th Independence Day on August 15, 2047. This period promises to bring about exciting developments and progress for the nation, heralding a new era for India. Prime Minister Narendra Modi, in a video conference address at Puttaparthi, Andhra Pradesh, emphasized that India’s forthcoming 25 years of Independence would be dedicated to fulfilling its duties, referring to it as the  “Kartavya Kaal”  or the (Era of Responsibilities). The PM expressed India’s commitment to prioritizing its responsibilities and named the period leading up to the 100th Anniversary of Independence as the “Kartvya Kaal”(The Era of Responsibilities).

The vision outlined by Prime Minister Narendra Modi for India in 2047 focuses on various aspects of national development and progress and to make

“भारतीय पुनर्जागरण”

its right place in the world order.

With this premise, Tecnia Institute of Advanced Studies is contemplating a National Conference on the topic  New India Vision for 2047: Transformational Strategies “For Kartavya Kaal”  on  18th MAY 2024, The conference invites research papers, articles, overview, commentary, reports, opinions, suggestions, observance although following thematic aspects of the conference session.


Session 1 :Celebrating Azadi ka Amrit Mahotsav:- The country is celebrating the Azadi ka Amrit Mahotsav, a commemoration of 75 years of independence, highlighting the rich history, culture, and achievements of India and its people.

Session 2 :Renaming Amrit Kaal to Kartavya Kaal:- The period leading up to India’s 100 years of independence in 2047 is referred to as KartavyaKaal, emphasizing the country’s commitment to its duties and responsibilities.

Session 3 : Sustainability Policies And Practices:-

  1. UNSDG GOAL 1: No Poverty
  2. UNSDG GOAL 2: Zero Hunger
  3. UNSDG GOAL 3: Good Health and Well-being
  4. UNSDG GOAL 6: Clean Water and Sanitation
  5. UNSDG GOAL 12: Responsible Consumption and Production
  6. UNSDG GOAL 17: Partnerships to achieve the Goal

Session 4 :Human Rights:–

  1. UNSDG GOAL 7: Affordable and Clean Energy
  2. UNSDG GOAL 9: Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure

Session 5 :Equality And Equity, Including Gender:-

  1. UNSDG GOAL 4: Quality Education
  2. UNSDG GOAL 5: Gender Equality
  3. UNSDG GOAL 10: Reduced Inequality

Session 6 :Climate Action:-

  1. UNSDG GOAL 8: Decent Work and Economic Growth
  2. UNSDG GOAL 11: Sustainable Cities and Communities
  3. UNSDG GOAL 13: Climate Action
  4. UNSDG GOAL 14: Life Below Water
  5. UNSDG GOAL 15: Life on Land
  6. UNSDG GOAL 16: Peace and Justice Strong Institutions

Session 7 : IT Tools and Techniques for Modern Management Decisions

  1. Cobots and Robots
  2. Drone Management
  3. Advanced Analytics for Decision-Making
  4. Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning in Decision-Making
  5. Business Intelligence and Data Visualization
  6. Decision Support Systems and Expert Systems
  7. Cloud Computing and Data Management
  8. Robotic Process Automation (RPA) and Workflow Automation
  9. Cyber-security and Data Privacy in Decision-Making
  10. Knowledge Management Systems and Collaboration Tools
  11. Smart cities and socio- economics paradigms
  12. Challenges in industry
  13. Ethical uses of technology


  1. India’s Path to Global Leadership: This conference is expected to highlight various ways in which India can become a global leader in terms of national development and progress. Experts and thought leaders will discuss strategies, policies, and initiatives that can contribute to India’s rise as a prominent global player.
  2. Overcoming Cultural Legacy and Socio-political Challenges: Participants at the conference will engage in discussions regarding the challenges posed by cultural legacy and socio-political factors in achieving the Vision for India in 2047. They will explore the ways to address these challenges and find effective solutions for inclusive and sustainable development
  3. Future Society and Business Prospects: The conference will provide a platform to delve into a wide range of future society and business prospects and problems. Experts and stakeholders will share their insights on emerging trends, technological advancements, and disruptive forces that will shape India’s future society and business landscape
  4. Sharing of Experience and Research Findings: The conference will facilitate the exchange of experiences and research findings related to the New India Vision for 2047. Stakeholders from different sectors will present their work, case studies, and best practices, fostering knowledge-sharing and collaboration among participants
  5. Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and Managing Challenges: The conference will emphasize the importance of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in managing the challenges associated with diversity, inclusion, and socioeconomic mobility. Participants will explore how the SDGs can serve as a framework for addressing these issuesand achieving sustainable and equitable development in India. Overall, the conference aimed to provide a comprehensive platform for discussions, knowledge sharing, and collaboration among stakeholders to drive India’s progress towards becoming a global leader. It will encourage participants to explore innovative solutions, leverage research and experiences, and align efforts with the Sustainable Development Goals to overcome challenges and shape a prosperous future for IndiaOverall, the conference aimed to provide a comprehensive platform for discussions, knowledge sharing, and collaboration among stakeholders to drive India’s progress towards becoming a global leader. It will encourage participants to explore innovative solutions, leverage research and experiences, and align efforts with the Sustainable Development Goals to overcome challenges and shape a prosperous future for India.


Themes India’s Initiative
UNSDG-1 No Poverty
  1. Jan-Dhan Yojana
  2. Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme
  3. The National Social Assistance Programme
UNSDG-2 Zero Hunger
  1. Poshan Shakti Nirman
  2. Mid-Day Meal Scheme
UNSDG-3 Good Health and Well-Being
  1. Ayushman Bharat insurance
  2. Jan Aushadhi
  3. Join Green Governance Initiative
UNSDG-4 Provide Quality Education
  1. NEP- 2020
  2. Shri Scheme NEP
UNSDG-5 Gender Equality
  1. Mahila Shakti Kendr
  2. Beti Bachao Beti Padhao/li>
UNSDG-6 Clean Water and Sanitation
  1. Swachh Bharat Mission
  2. Jal Jeevan Mission
UNSDG-7 Affordable and Clean Energy
  1. One Sun One World
  2. Urja Suraksha Evam
  3. Utthaan Mahabhiyaan
  4. National Bio gas and Manure Management Programme (NBMMP)
UNSDG-8 Decent Work and Economic Growth
  1. Atmanirbhar Bharat
  2. Rojgar Yojana
  3. National Skill Development Mission
  4. Deendayal Upadhyaya Antodaya Yojana
  5. National Service Scheme
  6. The Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme
UNSDG-9 Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure
  1. Udyami Bharat Scheme
  2. Make in India
  3. Start Up India
  4. Pandit Deendayal Upadhyay Shramev Jayate Karyakram
UNSDG-10 Reduced Inequality
  1. Rojgar Protsahan Yojana
UNSDG-11 Sustainable Cities and Communities
  1. Make In India
  2. PM Kusum
  3. Gobardhan Yozana
UNSDG-12 Influence Responsible Consumption and Production
  1. One Ration One Nation
  2. National Livestock Mission
UNSDG-13 Climate Action
  1. NITI Aayog
  2. National Action Plan for Climate Change (NAPCC)
UNSDG-14 Life Below Water
  1. Matsya Sampada Yojana
  2. National Plan for the Conservation of Aquatic Eco-systems
UNSDG-15 Life On Land
  1. Green India
  2. Project Tiger
  3. Project Elephant
  4. Project Cheetah
UNSDG-16 Guarantee Peace, Justice, and Institutions
  1. PMAGY
  2. PM-Daksh
  3. National Social Assistance Strong Programme
UNSDG-17 Build Partnerships for the Goals
  1. India’sG-20 Presidency
  2. India’s SCO Presidency
NEP-2020 Techniques for Modern Management Decisions
  1. Digital India
  2. National Mission on Education using ICT
  3. Visvesvaraya PhD Scheme For Electronics and IT

Guidelines for Paper Submission

Original papers in the areas of interest are invited in English or Hindi language. The list is indicative and not exhaustive in coverage. The contributors may include any other topic under the broad categories of the main theme of the conference. Please confirm your valuable participation at the earliest. We shall be thankful, if you would share this information among your colleagues and students.

A) Format and Size
  1. All papers should be in Microsoft Word Version, Font Times New Roman, font size 12, page size A-4
  2. Size of the paper – between 2500 to 3500 words.
B) Title
  1. The main title of your paper must not exceed 50 characters. This includes letters, spaces and punctuation.
  2. The title should be capitalized and centered at the top of the first page of your paper.
  3. If you choose to have a subtitle, it should be capitalized and centered directly below the main title.
C) Headings
  1. Headings and subheadings must be capitalized and left justified.
  2. Use double space after the headings, before starting the next paragraph
  3. Font size of the main heading should be 16 and the sub heading of 12.
D) Illustration Guidelines
  1. Illustrations such as photographs, charts, graphs, drawings, and diagrams should be labeled, so that they correspond with their mention in the text (e.g. Table-1, Figure-2, Diagram-3).
  2. Use only black & white glossy prints and do not attach photos to your paper.
  3. Indicate on the back of each photograph your name and where the photo should be inserted in the text.
  4. Soft copy of commercial charting and graphing materials in black & white are acceptable.
  5. Computer generated charts, diagrams, and maps are acceptable as long as they are printed on a printer that produces clear, sharp images (e.g. laser printers.)
E) Photograph & CV
  1. All papers must be accompanied by one passport size color photograph together with a full CV & a brief CV (not exceeding 50 words).
F) Presentation
  1. All speakers are allowed 10 minutes for the presentation of their paper. The time for answering questions is additional.
  2. A Powerpoint projector system with a laptop would be available for presentation. Any additional aid required, may please be intimated in advance.
G) Paper Submission Checklist
  1. Full text of your paper in Microsoft Word Version.
  2. Two CVs – one full length and one within 50 words.
  3. One passport size color photograph..

GeNERAL INSTRUCTIONS for Paper Submission

  1. Contributors are requested to ensure that their paper should not exceed 8 Printed pages. The paper should be typed in Times New Roman (12 pts.) font on one side of A-4 paper in double line spacing with wide margins.
  2. One paper should not contain more than two authors.
  3. All charts and graphs should be drawn and labeled clearly.
  4. Only those references, which are actually used in the text, should be included in the reference list.
  5. The contributor should certify on a separate sheet that the manuscript is his/her original contribution. It should be mentioned that the paper has not been submitted or accepted for publication anywhere else.
  6. Paper should contain an abstract not more than 500 words along with key words.
  7. Paper must accompany the following details of authors :-
    1. Name of the co-author with designation
    2. Correspondence address, contact number, and e-mail ID
    3. Profile of the authors
    4. Organization / Institution name
  8. Paper will be published in Proceedings with ISBN No.
  9. Selected Paper will be published in the Peer Reviewed Journal.

How to participate?

Interested candidates are requested to send the duly filled registration form. The candidates who wish to contribute their submissions should send the electronic copy of their papers at the following Email Id: journaltias@tecnia.in. The submission for the Conference may be in the form of descriptive, critical, research papers and case studies to mirror theory, research, practice and reflective thinking in the above area. Paper should contain abstract not more than 500 words along with key words. The abstract may be submitted through Email Id: journaltias@tecnia.in

Participants Profile
  1. Academic Fraternity in Management, Science and IT, Journalism and Mass Communication, LIS, Education, Physical Education
  2. Professionals working in Industry and Research concerned with IT, Management, LIS, Health Sciences & Medicine, Agriculture, Insurance, Banking etc.
  3. Students and Research Scholars
  4. Publishers
  5. IT and Information Service Providers

Important Dates


  • Conference Patron-in-Chief: Dr. Ram Kailash Gupta, Chairman, Tecnia Group of Institutions, Delhi
  • PatronDr. Sandhya Bindal, Vice- Chairman,Tecnia Group of Institutions, Delhi


  1. Dr. Sandeep Kumar

CONFERENCE Co-convener

  1. Dr. Pushpa Sangwan


  1. Dr. Ajay Kumar – Director
  2. Dr. M.N. Jha
  3. Dr. Jagbir Ahlawat
  4. Dr. Chaitali Bhattacharya
  5. Dr. Pooja Sharma
  6. Dr. Archana Dixit
  7. Dr. Monisha


  1. Dr. Sheenu Arora
  2. Dr. Rubeena Bano
  3. Dr. Preeti Jindal
  4. Dr. Garima Singh
  5. Dr. Shalini Gupta
  6. Ms. Vaishali Prasad
  7. Mr. Piyush Kumar
  8. Ms. Himani Chaudhary
  9. Ms. Aparna Vats
  10. Ms. Vandana
  11. Mr. Kapil Bhardwaj
  12. Ms. Amarpreet Kaur
  13. Ms. Shradha Jain


  1. Prof. G.N. Tiwari, Professor(Retd.), IIT Delhi
  2. Dr. Nasib S. Gill, Director, DDE, MD University, Rohtak
  3. Prof. Mukesh Dhunna, Professor, MD University, Rohtak
  4. Prof. R.P. Tulsian, Professor University of Delhi
  5. Prof. M.P. Gupta, Former Dean, Faculty of Management Studies University of Delhi, Delhi.
  6. Dr. Hayri Uygun, Recap Tayyip Erdogan University Rize, Turkey
  7. Dr.Asena Boztas, Sakarya University of Applied Sciences, Turkey
  8. Prof. Dr. Rashmi Gujrati, President (TGAP-UK), Dean (INT. Affairs)


Offline mode
Online mode
Students Delegate
INR 300
Research Scholar
INR 600
INR 300
INR 1000
INR 600
Corporate Delegate
INR 1000
INR 600
INR 1000
INR 600

Payment Mode

Demand Draft in favor of Tecnia Institute of Advanced Studies payable at New Delhi. Online payment/ NEFT/ UPI for TIAS, New Delhi ,along with duly filled registration form through postal mail and confirmation through e-mail at: journaltias@tecnia.in

Bank Name
Kotak Mahindra Bank
Bank Branch Address
Sector-8, Rohini, New Delhi
Account Number

Please Note

  1. Last date for registration form submission: 10th May 2024.
  2. The fee includes conference material and refreshments. A certificate would be issued to the participant.
  3. Fee does not include accommodation or local/outstation travel. No refund will be allowed for cancellations made. Outstation candidates needing assistance in accommodation (on payment) may contact the Conference Convener at the address given below.

Scan for Register


Scan for Location


Call for Papers (THEMES)

  1. New India – Vision 2047
  2. Kartavya Kaal: The Path to Transformation
  3. Azadi Ka Amrit Mahostsay : In 75- Year Journey
  4. Sustainability Policies & Practices
    1. UNSDG GOAL 8: Decent Work & Economic Growth
    2. UNSDG GOAL 9: Industry, Innovation & Infrastructure
    3. UNSDG GOAL 11: Sustainable Cities & Communities
    4. UNSDG GOAL 17: Partnerships to Achieve the Goal
  5. Human Rights
    1. UNSDG GOAL 1: No Poverty
    2. UNSDG GOAL 2: Zero Hunger
    3. UNSDG GOAL 3: Good Health & Well- being
    4. UNSDG GOAL 6: Clean Water & Sanitation
    5. UNSDG GOAL 12: Responsible Consumption & Production
    6. UNSDG GOAL 16: Peace & Justice Strong Institutions
  6. Equality & Equity, Including Gender
    1. UNSDG GOAL 4: Quality Education
    2. UNSDG GOAL 5: Gender Equality
    3. UNSDG GOAL 10: Reduced Inequality
  7. Climate Action
    1. UNSDG GOAL 7: Affordable & Clean Energy
    2. UNSDG GOAL 13: Climate Action
    3. UNSDG GOAL 14: Life Below Water
    4. UNSDG GOAL 15: Life on Land
  8. New Education Policy: A Road Map for Using IT to Improve Learning
    1. Cobots and Robots
    2. Drone Management
    3. Advanced Analytics for Decision-Making
    4. Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning
    5. Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning in Decision-Making
    6. Business Intelligence & Data Visualization
    7. Decision Support Systems & Expert Systems
    8. Cloud Computing and Data Management
    9. Internet of Things (IoT) & Sensor Technologies
    10. Robotic Process Automation (RPA) & Workflow Automation
    11. Cyber-security & Data Privacy in Decision-Making
    12. Knowledge Management Systems & Collaboration Tools
    13. Smart cities & socio- economics paradigms
    14. Challenges in industry
  9. India as Vishwa Guru: A New Era for Global Leadership
    1. India’s G20 Presidency: Fostering Sustainable and Inclusive Growth & Women Led Development
    2. India’s SEO Presidency: Building Bridges, Strengthening Ties
  10. Human Values in Global Society
    1. Ethical uses of technology


  1. Session 1: Azadi ka Amrit Mahotsav – India’s 75- Year Journey
    1. The country is celebrating the Azadi ka Amrit Mahotsav, a commemoration of 75 years of independence, highlighting the rich history, culture, and achievements of India and its people
  2. Session 2: Kartavya Kaal: The Path to Transformation
    1. The period leading up to India’s 100 years of independence in 2047 is referred to as Kartavya Kaal, emphasizing the country’s commitment towards the Era of Responsibilities
  3. Session 3: Sustainability Policies & Practices A Guide to Making a Difference
    1. UNSDG GOAL 1: No Poverty
    2. UNSDG GOAL 2: Zero Hunger
    3. UNSDG GOAL 3: Good Health and Well-being
    4. UNSDG GOAL 6: Clean Water and Sanitation
    5. UNSDG GOAL 12: Responsible Consumption and Production
    6. UNSDG GOAL 17: Partnerships to achieve the Goal
  4. Session 4: Human Rights: The Universal Struggl
    1. UNSDG GOAL 7: Affordable and Clean Energy
    2. UNSDG GOAL 9: Industry, Innovation and Infrastructur
  5. Session 5: Equality & Equity, Including Gender: The Key to a Just Society
    1. UNSDG GOAL 4: Quality Education
    2. UNSDG GOAL 5: Gender Equality
    3. UNSDG GOAL 10: Reduced Inequality
  6. Session 6: Climate Action: The Fight of Our Planet
    1. UNSDG GOAL 8: Decent Work and Economic Growth
    2. UNSDG GOAL 11: Sustainable Cities and Communities
    3. UNSDG GOAL 13: Climate Action
    4. UNSDG GOAL 14: Life Below Water
    5. UNSDG GOAL 15: Life on Land
    6. UNSDG GOAL 16: Peace and Justice Strong Institutions
  7. Session 7 : IT Tools and Techniques for Modern Mgmt. Decisions
    1. Cobots and Robots
    2. Drone Management
    3. Advanced Analytics for Decision-Making
    4. Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning in Decision-Making
    5. Business Intelligence and Data Visualization
    6. Decision Support Systems and Expert Systems
    7. Cloud Computing and Data Managemen
    8. Internet of Things (IoT) and Sensor Technologies
    9. Robotic Process Automation (RPA) and Workflow Automation
    10. Cyber-security and Data Privacy in Decision-Making
    11. Knowledge Management Systems and Collaboration Tools
    12. Smart cities and socio- economics paradigms
    13. Challenges in industry
    14. Ethical uses of technology

For more information in this regard, you may please visit the website and contact:-


3PSP, Institutional Area, Madhuban Chowk, Rohini, Delhi-85, India

Phone: 011-27555121-2223-24 • Mobile: 9250408921 9818083607 • Fax: 27555120

About TIAS

Tecnia Institute of Advanced Studies (TIAS), India’s Premier ISO 9001:2008 Certified Institute was established in 1998 and is connected with Metro at Madhuban Chowk, Rohini, Delhi.

It is recognized under Section 2(f) of UGC Act 1956 by UGC, rated as “A” Category by SFRC, Govt. of NCT of Delhi; A++ Category- Best Business School by AIMA and included in Top 100B & IT Schools by reputed publication. Institute has Ultra Modern Infrastructure, imparts Value Based Quality Education and conducts Training, Research & Consultancy. It is a member of AIMA, PHD Chamber of Commerce and Industry, DELNET & J-Gate.


National Conference
Sponsors / Publisher
Convener – Deptt.
Proceeding Pub. ISBN
YEAR – 2023
38th National Conference Emerging Trends in Cloud Computing Using Machine Learning
A.K. Publication
Dr. Ajay Kumar, Dr. Sandeep Kumar, Dr. M.N. Jha, ICT Deptt.
YEAR – 2022
37th National Conference on Computing Informatics, Networks & Security
A.K. Publication
Dr. Ajay Kumar, Dr. Sandeep Kumar, Dr. M.N. Jha, ICT Deptt.
36thNational Conference on National Education Policy- Human Values & Media Education
A.K. Publication
Dr. Ajay Kumar, Dr. Sandeep Kumar, Dr. M.N. Jha, MBA Deptt.
YEAR – 2019
35th National Conference on “Mckinsey 7S Model : Innovation, Growth, Sustainability and Scalability of Business”. Management
A.K. Publication
Dr. Ajay Kumar, Dr. Sandeep Kumar, MBA Deptt.
YEAR – 2018
34thNational Conference on Make in India: The New Gateway to Go Global”.
A.K. Publication
Dr. Ajay Kumar, Dr. Sandeep Kumar, MBA Deptt.
33rd National Conference on Advancements in Artificial Intelligence: Robotic Solutions for Business.
Swastik Publications
Dr.Vishal Khatri, Dr. Ajay Kumar, ICT Deptt.
32nd National Conference “Contributions of Vaish Samaj in Nation Building”
A.K. Publication
Dr. Sandeep Kumar, MBA Deptt.
31st National Conference “Power of Media” Shaping the Future”
A.K. Publication
Dr. Kamaljeet Kaur, BAJMC Deptt.
30th National Conference “Emerging Trends in Web Technologies, Social Media & Mobile Applications”
A.K. Publication
Dr. Jitender Rai, MCA Deptt.
29th National Converence “Responsible Marketing”
A.K. Publication
Dr. Sandeep Kumar, MBA Deptt.
YEAR – 2017
28th National Conference “Cultural Representation and power of Media”
Swastik Publications
Dr. Abhishek Singh, BAJMC Deptt.
27th National Conference “Digital Technology to Digital economy”
Swastik Publications
Dr. Sudhir Dawra, MCA Deptt.
YEAR – 2016
26th National Conference “Consumer & Digital world A global Scenario”
A.K. Publication
Dr. Namita Mishra, MBA Deptt.
25th National conference “Freedom of expression: A preprequisite to Democracy”
Vidit Publication
Dr. Rajesh Aggarwal, BAJMC Deptt.
24th National Conference “Cyber Security : Issues & Challneges”
Vidit Publication
Dr. Vishal Khatri, MCA Deptt.
YEAR – 2015
23rd National Conference “Stress to Steadiness: Paradigm Shifts in Causes, Consequences and Interventional Stragegies for Effective Management”
Dr. Ajay Pratap Singh, MBA Deptt.
22nd National Conference on “Big Data & Web Intelligence Analyst”
A.K. Publication
Dr. Ajay Kumar, Dr. Sandeep Kumar, MBA Deptt.
YEAR – 2014
21st National Conference on “Global Trends and Issues in Media”
20th National Conference on “Leadership and Management in the Era of Emerging Markets” 
A.K. Publication
Dr. Ajay Kumar, Dr. Sandeep Kumar, MBA Deptt.
19th National conference “Technology for Advanced Application for Education”
A.K. Publication
Dr. Vishal Khatri, MCA Deptt.
YEAR – 2013
18th National Conference on “Impact & Penetration of Mass Media Campaign on Political, Social & Disaster Management”
17th National Conference on “Indian Managers & Business success”
16th National Conference “Information Communication and Computer Networks”
A.K. Publication
Dr. Vaibhav Bansal, MCA Deptt.
15th National Conference “Education for the Nation Development”
15/02/2013, 16/02/2013
A.K. Publication
Dr. Ajay Pratap, MBA Deptt.
YEAR – 2012
14th National Conference on “Democratization Of Communication”
A.K. Publication
Dr. Sanjeev Manchanda, MCA Deptt.
13th National Conference on “Heuristic Approach of Marketing in Developing Economies”
A.K. Publication
Dr. Ajay Kumar, Dr. Sandeep Kumar, Dr. M.N. Jha, MBA Deptt.
12th National Conference “Internet Computing & Communications: Contemporary Issues, Enhancement & Future Aspects
A.K. Publication
Dr. Sandeep Kumar, Dr. Ajay Kumar, Dr. Sanjeev Manchanda, ICT Deptt.
11th National conference “Dynamics of Social Entrepreneurship – A Business Wave”
A.K. Publication
Dr. Sandeep Kumar, MBA Deptt.
10th National conference on ‘Environment Communication in Modern Age’
YEAR – 2011
9th National Conference “Web and Knowledge Based Systems”
Diamond Group
Dr. Sanjeev Manchanda, MCA Deptt.
YEAR – 2010
8th National Conference of “Rural Business Management – Imperatives for Sustainable Growth”
7th National Conference on Artificial Intelligence & Soft Computing
6th National Conference on Social Responsibility of Media in Contemporary Scenario
YEAR – 2009
5th National Conference on Brand Positioning: Strategies for Combative Excellence
4th National Conference on Media Convergences in National Interest
3rd National Conference on Global Paradigms in e-business
2nd National Conference on Emerging Paradoxes in Retail Sector
YEAR – 2002
1st National Conference Customer Relationship Management
MBA Deptt.
International Conference
Sponsors / Publisher
Convener – Deptt.
Proceeding Pub. ISBN
YEAR – 2020
13th International Conference on Quality Enhancement and Employability in Higher Education- A Holistic Approach
A.K. Publication
Dr. Sandeep Kumar, MBA Deptt.
YEAR – 2019
12th International Conference on “Indian Politics & Role of Media”
Orange Books International
Dr. Rashmi Gujrati, MBA Deptt.
YEAR – 2017
11th International Conference On Global Business and Innovative Management: Challenges & Issues
Orange Books International
Dr. Rashmi Gujrati, MBA Deptt.
YEAR – 2015
International Conference on “Tecnia SRFLIS Summit 2015 on Grey to Green”
11/04/2015, 12/04/2015
Enriched Publication
Dr. Sandeep Kumar, MBA Deptt.
YEAR – 2014
International Conference on “Tecnia SRFLIS Summit 2014 Content to Connectivity Paradigm shifts in knowledge Innovation, Information Representation Information Management System and Librarianship
11/04/2014, 12/04/2014
Enriched Publication
Dr. Sandeep Kumar, MBA Deptt.
YEAR – 2012
International Conference on “Disability Is A Challenge: Its Opportunities in Education and Employment Ability Expo & Ability Camp”
21/01/2012, 22/01/2012
YEAR – 2011
International Conference “Global Perspective of HRM in Disability Sector”
Dr. S.K Das, MBA Deptt.
YEAR – 2010
International conference on Green Business Solutions-Imperative and Opportunities
29/01/2010, 30/01/2010
YEAR – 2009
International Conference on Global Economic Turmoil; Challenges for the Indian Economy
27/03/2009, 28/03/2009
YEAR – 2003
International Conference India In The Knowledge Millennium
10/09/2003, 11/09/2003
YEAR – 2002
International Conference on Globalization Of Business & Markets Strtegies For The 21st Century
Strategic Advisor & Consultant (SAC), MBA Deptt.
DateEventsNames of Eminent, Academicians, Scientists/ParticipantsPDF
18-Jun-202237th National Conference on Computing Informatics,
Networks & Security
Chief Guest: Ms Deepa Vema, Director, Forensic Lab; Dr Bharti Suri, Prof. GGSIPU; Dr Naveen Rajpal, Prof. GGSIPU; Dr Nasib Singh Gill, Sr. Most. Prof. & Head, MDU, Rohtak; Dr Anil Goswami, Scientist-E, DRDO.
11-Jun-202236th National Conference on National Education Policy- Human Values & Media EducationChief Guest: Dr. Durgesh Tripathi, MOOCs Coordinator, GGSIPU, New Delhi; Guest of Honour Prof. (Dr.) Sanjay Singh Baghel, Professor, University of Delhi; Mr. Akhilesh Anand, Sr. News Anchor, ABP; Ms. Anshika Pathak, News Anchor, News India 24X7; Dr. M. N. Jha, Dean Academics, TIAS; Dr. Ram Kailash Gupta,
Chairman, Tecnia Group of Institutions.
29-Feb- 202013th International Conference on Quality Enhancement and Employability in Higher Education- A
Holistic Approach
Chief Guest: Prof. J. L. Gupta, Former Vice Chancellor, GGU Bilaspur (A Central University); Dr Rajkumar, Director, IMSAR, M D University, Rohtak.
14-Mar-201912th International Conference on “Indian Politics & Role of Media”Chief Guest: Professor K.G. Suresh, Director General, Indian Institute of Advanced Studies, Dr. Arun Kumar Bhagat, Professor, Makhanlal Chaturvedi National University of Journalism & Communication, Bhopal, Mr. Manohar Manoj, Editor, Political Correspondent Magazine, Delhi, Dr. Amitabh Srivatava, Director, School of Journalism & Mass Communication, Noida International University, G. Noida, Dr. Ritu S Sood, Dean, GD Goyenka University, Dr. Yogesh Gupta, HOD, NIMS University, Jaipur, Dr. Neeraj Karan Singh, Dean & Principal, Swami Vivekanand Subharti University,
02-Feb-201935th National Conference on
“Mckinsey 7S Model : Innovation, Growth, Sustainability and Scalability of
Business”. Management
Chief Guest: Prof. J.L. Gupta, Ex. Vice Chancellor, Guru Ghasidas, a Central University, Bilaspur & Former Principal, Shri Ram College of Commerce, Delhi, Guest of Honour Dr. Vijay Kumar Gupta, an IES is Joint Director General in Ministry of Defence, Govt. of India, Prof. P.V. Khatri, Principal, Swami Shraddhanand College, University of Delhi & Prof. S.S. Handa, Professor Indian Statistical Institute, Delhi; Dr. R.K.
Gupta, chairman, Tecnia Group of Institutions.
26-Oct-201834th National
Conference on Makein India: The New Gateway to Go Global”.
Chief Guest of the National Conference, Prof. (Dr.) R.P.
Dahiya, Former – Vice Chancellor, Chowdhary Devi Lal University, Sirsa, Haryana, Prof. (Dr.) RAJ KUMAR, Dean, Students Welfare and is also Director, Career Counseling and Placement Cell, Maharishi Dayanand University, Rohtak; Dr. T.N. Chhabra, University of Delhi, Guest of Honour Mr. Ishan Vajpayee, Manager (ERP & IT) in Indraprastha Gas Ltd., New Delhi
12-Oct-201833rd National Conference on Advancements in Artificial Intelligence:
Robotic Solutions for Business.
Chief Guest of the National Conference, Dr. Amit Prakash Singh, Professor in University School of Information, Communication & Technology;Guest of Honour Dr. Harleen Kaur, faculty member at the School
of Engineering Sciences and Technology at Jamia Hamdard, New Delhi.
17-Mar-201732nd National Conference on Contributions of Vaish Samaj in Nation BuildingDr. Preeti Aggarwal, Mayor North Delhi MCD & Mr Sunil Shastri, Ex-Member of Parliament.
Dr. Gireesh Kumar Sanghi, National President All India Vaish Federation.Guest of Honour Prof. Sanjeev Mittal, Professor – University School of Management Studies,
Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University.
10-Mar-201831st National Conference on Power of Media: Shaping the FutureChief Guest Mr. M. Sadana,Joint Director General, Ministry of Tourism, Guest of Honor Mr. Manish Desai, ADG, IIMC, Guest of Honor Dr. M.K. Soni, Pro VC Manav Rachna International Uni., Guest of Honour Dr. Neemo Dhar,Dean, Manav Rachna International Uni., Dr. S.S. Handa, Ex Prof. & Director, Indian Statistical Institute,
Delhi, Mr. Rishabh Sharma, Anchor, Zee News
17-Feb-201830th National Conference on Emerging Trends in Web Technologies, Social Media &
Mobile Applications
Prof.(Dr.) Harleen Kaur, Jamia Hamdard University, Guest of Honour -Prof (Dr.) M.N. Hoda ,Director, Bharati Vidyapeeth’s , Guest of Honour -Prof.(Dr.)Musheer Ahmad,Professor & Head, Faculty of Engineering and Technology, Jamia Milia Islamia, Guest of Honour -
Dr. Nitin Malik, Joint Registrar, GGSIPU
03-Feb-201829th National Conference on Responsible
Chief Guest-Dr A P Mittal, Member Secretary AICTE, Guest of Honour- Mr Deepak Kumar Sr Vice President SAIL, Guest of Honour-Dr Sunil Gupta IGNOU, Guest of
Honour-Prof S S Handa
15-Apr-201711th International Conference On Global Business and Innovative Management: Challenges & IssuesChief Guest – Prof. S.S Sharma, Retd. IAS, Officer, Ec- Chief Secretary, Ex CMD NTPC. New Delhi;Guest of Honour - Prof. (Dr) R.K Mittal, Sr. Professor, USMS, GGSIP University;. Guest of Honour- Prof. (Dr) Ashok Mittal, Professor and Head, AMU, Aligarh. ;Guest of Honour- Prof. (Dr) Rajesh Tyagi, Director Maharaja Surajmal Institute, New Delhi.;Guest of Honour- Prof. (Dr.) Ravinder Vinayak, Prof & Head MDU Rohtak
(Retd.) Director, DSPSR,New Delhi.; Ms. Liu Jinxiu, APHezhou University China; Prof.S.S.Sharma, Retd.IAS Officer.; Dr.Ajay Kumar Director, Tecnia Institute of Advanced Studies, New Delhi; Shri.R.K.Gupta,Hon’ble Chairman, Tecnia Group of Institutions New Delhi; Prof.
M. N. Jha MR System, Tecnia Institute of Advanced Studies, New Delhi; Prof. (Dr.) Harish Singh, MSI New Delhi; (Dr.) Navneet Ghera, BVIMR New Delhi; Prof. (Dr.)
A.K Tyagi, Director,SSGI,Muradabad; (Dr.) Rajesh Bajaj, Tecnia Group of Institutions, New Delhi; (Dr.) Sandeep Kumar, Tecnia Group of Institutions, New Delhi; Prof. (Dr.) Vandana RAghava, Tecnia Institute of Advanced
Studies, New Delhi
23-Mar-201728th National Conference on “Cultural
Representation and Power of Media”
Chief Guest of the National Conference, Sh. Manmohan Sadana Joint Director General, Ministry of Tourism, Government of India.
Guest of Honour Dr. M.K. Soni, Pro Vice Chancellor; Manav Rachna International University
Guest of Honour Prof. (Dr.) Neemo Dhar, Dean, Faculty
of Media Studies and Humanities, Manav Rachna International Institute of Research & Studies.
17-Feb-201727th National Conference on
“Digital Technology to Digital Economy”
Chief Guest - Prof. M.N. Doja, Professor & Head, Department of Computer Science & Engineering, Jamia Millia Islamia, New Delhi Prof. (Dr.) K. P. Yadav), Director, IIMT, G.Noida; Amit Kukreti, Vice President (Technology), Stealth Mode Startup, New Delhi; Prof. (Dr.) K. P. Yadav, Director, IIMT, G.Noida; Er. Jitendar Tanwar , Prof. (Dr.) Saoud Sarwar, Head, Deptt of Computer Science & Engineering, Al-Falah University, Faridabad (Haryana); Prof. (Dr.) Amit Asthana, Department of Computer Science & Engineering, Swami Vivekanand Subharti University; Sh. Ram Kailash Gupta , Chairman, Tecnia Group of Institutions; Dr. Ajay Kumar, Director, TIAS; Dr. Convener, Sudhir Dawra, Professor, Department of IT , TIAS; Dr. Vishal Khatri (Professor & HOD, Deptt. of IT); Amity School of Eng. & Tech, New Delhi, India; Mr. Hari om Sharma, Lecturer, CSE, C.M.S Government Girls Polytechnic, Daurala, Meerut (UP); Mr. Manik C. Pandey, Swami Vivekanand Subharti University, Meerut; Er. Dayanand, Assistant Professor, HMRITM, New Delhi; Er. Vinita Sharma, Assistant
Professor, ABSS Institute of Technology, Meerut;
25-Oct-201626th National Conference on “Consumer and Digital World”Prof.(Dr.) Ranjit Singh, Ex-Director, Netaji Subhash Institute of Technology, New Delhi.
Prof. (Dr.) T.N. Chhabra, Senior Faculty, Deen Dayal Upadhyay College, University of Delhi. Dr. Prakash Vir Khatri – Guest of Honour – Sir, is Principal, Swami Shradhanand College, University of Delhi, New Delhi.;Dr. Jitender Bir Singh – Guest of Honour – Sir is Principal, Shri Guru Gobind Singh College of Commerce, University of Delhi
12-Mar-201625th National
Conference “Freedom of Expression: A Prerequisite to Democracy”
Chief Guest - Prof. (Dr.) Devesh Kishore, Director- Electronic Media Production Center (EMPC), IGNOU (Retd.); Professor Emeritus – Makhanlal Chaturvedi Rashtriya Patrakarita Evam Sanchar Vishwavidyalaya (Noida Campus); Guest of Honours - Prof. Hemant Joshi – Professor, Depart of Hindi Journalism, IIMC, Delhi; Mr. Nawal Kishore Singh – Sr. Journalist, General Secretary – Broadcast Editor’s Association, Delhi; Ms. Manjari Joshi – Journalist and Eminent Anchor – Doordarshan; Mr. Ramesh Sharma - Asst. Director Programme, Jaipur Doordarshan Kendra, Jaipur; Mr. Abhimanyu Jain – Media Professional, Executive – Group M, Gurgaon; Dr. Charu Lata Singh – Dean, VSJMC, Vivekanand Institute of Professional Studies, Delhi; Dr. Sonu Tiwari – Faculty,
Delhi University, Delhi; Mr. R.S. Yadav – Programme Officer, All India Radio, Delhi.
26-Feb-201624th National
Conference on “Cyber Security: Issues & Challenges"
Chief Guest –Prof. (Dr.) R.K. Sharma, IIT, Delhi, Guest of Honor & Speakers- Dr. Anup Gridhar, CEO, Sedulity Solutions & Technologies, Prof. (Dr.) A.Q. Ansari, JMI University, Delhi, Prof. (Dr.) Nasib Singh Gill, MDU, Rohtak, Prof. (Dr.) Arvinvder Kaur, GGSIP University, Delhi, Prof.(Dr.) R.S. Chillar, MDU, Rohtak, Prof. (Dr.) Shampa Chakraverty, NSIT, Delhi, Mr. Rohit Kaswan , Accute India, Ms. Nidhi Srivastav, Assistant Prof. IITM, Mr. Bharat Bhushan, Assistant Prof., HMRITM, Ms. Dimple Chawla, Assistant Prof., DIAS, Dr. Trishu Sharma, Asso. Prof., Amity University, Mr. Santosh Kumar Anand, Asst. Prof., Amity University, Prof. (Dr.) V.K. Kapoor, DG,
TIAS, Dr. Ajay Kumar Rathore, Director , TIAS.
10-Oct-201523rd National Conference “STRESS TO STEADINESS”
Paradigm Shifts in Causes, Consequences and Interventional
Strategies for Effective Management
Chief Guest Prof.(Mrs.) Anu Singh Lather, Director, International Affairs, GGSIP University, Delhi; Mr. Rajesh Tripathi Vice President & Head Corp. HR, GHCL Ltd., Noida; Dr. Ashwani Kumar, CEO, Santulan Group, Delhi; Dr. Ajay Kumar Rathore, Director, TIAS, Delhi; Dr. Rajesh Bajaj, Professor, TIAS, Delhi; Dr. B K Suthar, Free Lance Researcher; Prof. (Dr.) Manish Madan, RDIAS, Delhi; Dr. Ajay Pratap Singh, Associate Professor, TIAS;
MS. Bharti Pandey, Heritage Institute Of Management And Communication; Mr. Pramod Kumar Nayak, Trinity Institute Of Professional Studies, New Delhi; Dr. G B Sitaram, RDIAS, Delhi; Dr. Esha Jain, G.D. Goenka University, Gurgaon; Mr. Mithilesh Kumar, Bbau, Lucknow
11-Apr-2015 &
2nd International Conference on “Tecnia SRFLIS
Summit 2015 on Grey to Green”
Chief Guest Prof. I M Kapai, Member, University Grants Commission, Guest of Honour Mr. Rajiv Chandran, National Information Officer, UN Information Centre for India & Bhutan, Prof. Sanjiv Mittal, Dean-USMS, GGS IP University, Co-Chief Patron Prof. M P Satija, Emeritus Professor, DLIS, GND University, Amritsar, Punjab, Chief Patron Shri Ram Kailash Gupta, Chairman, Tecnia Group of Institution, New Delhi, Dr. Ajay K Rathore, Director, TIAS, Dr. K P Singh, President, SRFLISindia and Sr. Assistant Professor, DLIS, University of Delhi, Dr. Pinky Sharma, Assistant Professor, DLIS, MD University, Rohtak , Komal Gangi, Dr. P V Khatri, Associate Professor, Swami Shradhanand College, University of Delhi, Mr. Jnanendra Narayan Singh, Librarian, Dyal Singh College, Dr. P K Jain, Librarian, Institute of Economic Growth, Dr. Sanjay Kataria, JIIT, NOIDA, Dr. Narender Kumar, Deputy Librarian, University of Delhi.
27-Feb-201522nd National Conference on “Big Data & Web
Intelligence Analyst”
Chief Guest:: Prof. Zahid Hussain Zaidi, Ex. Vice Chancellor, Rohilkhand University, Guest of Honor: Dr. Payal Pahwa, Principal, BPIT, Dr. Anuj Agarwal, Chairman, CSI, Mr. Atul Rajput, Java Expert CETPA INFOTECH IT Solutions, Dr.Nidhi Arora, Associate Professor, HMRITM, Mr. Himanshu Sharma, Research Associate , Dr.U.S.Pandey, Associate Professor ,Delhi University WIKI LABS IT Solutions, Ms.Ekta, .NET Expert Brain Mentors Software Solution, Mr.Rohit Kaswan, Cyber security Expert, Acute India Cyber Security Solution, Mr.Vishal , Android Expert, Ducat Pvt.Ltd, Mr. Pankaj Roy, Assistant Professor ,Sharda University, Ms. Sonali , Assistant Professor ,Sharda University, Mr. Hanan Mansoor ,Research Scholar Alfla University,
Mr.Anishu Kumar - Research Scholar GGIPU, Mr. Honey P Vijay Kumar - Research Scholar GGIPU
10-Oct-201421st National Conference on
“Leadership and Management in the Era of Emerging Markets”
Chief Guest Hon’ble Sh. Bhagwati Prasad, Former Chief Justice, High Court, Jharkhand, Guest of Honor, Dr. K.P. Singh, Asso. Prof. University of Delhi.,Dr. R. P. Tulsian, Asso. Prof., University of Delhi. Dr. Sunil Kadyan, Asst. Prof. Amity University, UP., Dr. Meenakshi Kaushik, Asst. Prof., Amity University Delhi. Dr. Vandana Raghwa, Asso. Prof., TIAS Delhi, Dr. R. K. Sharma, Asso. Prof., Bhartiya Vidya Peeth Institute of Management and Research Delhi., Dr. Anshu Arora, Principal Bal Bharti School, Bahadurgarh., Ms. Geetika, Asst. Prof., TIAS Delhi, Ms. Komal Gangi, Asst. Prof., TIAS, Delhi, Ms. Bhawna Khattar, Asst. Prof. TIAS Dlelhi, Ms. Neha Gupta, Asst. Prof., TIAS Delhi, Ms. Sonia Ruhil, Asst. Prof., TIAS Delhi , Ms. Samiyah Jamal, Research Scholar, Mewar University., Ms. Neha Gupta, Asst. Prof., TIAS Delhi, Mr. Nitish Yadav, Research Scholar, TIAS Delhi. Ms. Divya Kwatra, Research Scholar, TIAS Delhi., Mr.
Akash Goswami, Research Scholar, TIAS Delhi
21-Nov-201420nd National Conference on “Global Trends and Issues in Media”Chief Guest: Padmashree Dr. Shyam Singh Shashi, Director General, Research Foundation International, Delhi, Guest Honor: Prof.Kapil Kumar, Chairperson, School of Social Sciences, IGNOU, Delhi, Mr. Sudesh
Kumar, Film Maker, Delhi. Dr. Ajay K. Rathore, Director,Tecnia Institute of Advanced Studies, New Delhi Dr. Charu Lata Singh, Director, School of Media Studies, VIPS, Delhi, Dr. Vinita Gupta, Asso. Professor, MAIMS, Delhi, Prof.Kapil Kumar, Chairperson, School of Social Sciences, IGNOU, Delhi, Mr. Sudesh Kumar, Film Maker.
11-Apr-2014 &
International Conference on “TecniaSRFLIS
Summit 2014 Content to Connectivity Paradigm shifts in knowledge Innovation, Information Representation Information Management System and Librarianship
Chief Guest: Prof. K Kannan, Founder Dean of USBT, GGSIPU and former Vice Chancellor of Nagaland, Guest of Honours - Prof. Jagtar Singh, Dean, Education, Punjabi University, Patiala, Prof. I V Malhan, Dean and Head, Central University, Dharmshala, Dr. Arvind Prasad, Ex. Head, Geology, TISCO, Jamshedpur, Guest of Honour for sharing their valuable thoughts. Dr. A K Singh, Director HRD/DRDO Hqrs Sh. Suresh Kumar Jindal, Sc ‘G’ Director, DESIDOC / DRDO, Prof. Ashok Vohra, Head, Deptt. of Philosophy, University of Delhi, Prof. Jagtar Singh, Dean, (Education), Punjabi University, Patiala,Dr. Ravinder Kumar Sharma, Librarian, United Nations Information Centre, Delhi,Dr. Ramesh C Gaur, Librarian, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi,Prof. I
V Malhan, Dean and Head, DLIS, Central University, Dharmshala (HP),Dr. P K Jain, Librarian, Institute of Economic Growth, New Delhi,Prof. Dr Shantnu Ganguy/Dr. Subhash Deshmukh (Confirmation awaited),Prof. K L Mahwar, Dean and Head, DLIS, BBAU, Lucknow (UP),Dr. Sanjay Kataria, Librarian, JIIT,
Noida,Dr. Rajesh Singh, Deputy Librarian, University of Delhi,Prof. Prem Singh, Director, Planning and Controller of Exams, SGT University, Gurgaon Dr. S C Jindal, Librarian, University of Delhi,Dr. P R Goswami, Director (Library) IGNCA, New Delhi,Emeritus Prof. S L Sangam, DLIS, Karnatak University, Dharwad (Karnataka) ;Dr. KP Singh, Joint Director, DRDO Hqrs , Dr. Narender Kumar, Librarian, IIT Delhi
Prof. Dinesh Kumar Gupta, Kurukshetra University, Kurukshetra,Dr. Sunil Kumar, SCERT, New Delhi,Dr. R K Bhatt, Associate Professor, University of Delhi,Dr. Tariq Ashraf, Librarian, University of Delhi (South Campus),
New Delhi,
22-Mar-201419th National Conference On “Technology for
Advanced Application for Education”
Dr. Amita Dev, Principal cum Director, BPIBS, Dr.Anup Gridhar, CEO, Sedulity solution Technologies, Mr. Puneet Dahiya, CEO,Tumlare services, Ms. Mudhu Bala Priyadarshi, Scientist (sr.Scale), NPBGR, Ms.Priyanka Gautam, Dr. G.B. Sitaram, Prof. RDIAS, Dr. Suresh Hans, Professor,Meerut Institute of Technology, Meerut, Dr. Ajay Godra, PGIMS, Rohtak, Ms.Ambika Bhatia, Asso.Prof. GIBS
23-Nov-201318th National Conference on “Impact & Penetration of Mass Media Campaign on Political, Social & Disaster
Chief Guest : Prof. Devesh Kishore, Director, EMPC, IGNOU (Retd.), Dr. Ajay K. Rathore, Director,TIAS, Dr.Dharmendra, HoD, BJMC LLDIMS, Mr. Manohar Manoj, Editor, Business India, Prof. Ambrish Saxena, Director, VIPS, Mr. Anurag Mishr, Chief Reporter, Hindustan, Dr. Anjani K Jha, Professor, MAIMS, Dr. Dilip K, Professor, Jamia Milia Islamia University, Ms. Ruchi & Ms. Neha Jingla, Asst. Professor, TIPS, New Delhi, Mr. Vidyut P Maurya, Chief Sub Editor, Hindustan, Mr. Sudhir Rinten Asst. Professor, Maharaja Agrasen College, DU, Ms. Urvashi Sharma, Asst. Professor, MBICEM, New Delhi, Dr. S.K.Garg, Dean TIAS, Ms.
Bhavna Madan Vij, TIAS, Delhi
19-Oct-201317th National Conference on
“Indian Managers & Business success”
Chief Guest: Prof. Dr. B.N.Mishra, Chairman Board of Governors NSIT, Govt. of NCT of Delhi, Dr. Sanjiv Mittal, Prof.GGSIP University,New Delhi, Dr. P.K Gupta, Secretary General NAFEN, New Delhi, Dr. Nirmal Singh, DG, Guru Nanak Institute of Management, New Delhi, Dr. Shesha Dev Sahoo, Prof., IIM, lucknow, Dr. R.P Tulsian, Delhi University, Delhi, Dr. Ajay K. Rathore, Director, TIAS, Prof. V. P. Gupta, Professor, TIAS, Prof. Manoj Kumar Jha, Professor ,ITM, New Delhi, Ms. Nishat Ahtesham, Asst. Professor, TIAS, Ms. Priyanka
Gautam, Asst Professor, CPJ Institute of Higher Education,Delhi, Dr. G.B. Sitaram, Professor, RDIAS, Ms. Shruti Nagpal and Ms. Alka, Research Scholar, GGSIPU, Ms. Sargam Shukhmani & Shefali, Research Scholar, GGSIPU, Ms. Priyanka Pandey & Hiteshi Malhotra, Research Scholar, GGSIPU, Ms. Nishika Gupta Assistant professor, TIAS, Ms. Shilpi Gupta Assistant professor, TIAS, Mr. Piyash Srivastava Assistant professor BCIHMCT
06-Apr-201316th National Conference on “Information Communication & Computer Network”Chief Guest: Mr. Koushik Chatterjee,CEO ,iThink Learning and Ex- VP, Guest of Honor: Mr. Ajay Kumar Dixit, Sr. Consultant, Head Communication, Er. Ompal Singh, Addl. Gen Manager, Radar Unit, Computer Network System Dept, Airport Authority of India., Mr. Navdeep Dhindsa, Vice President, Hungama Digital Media Solutions Ltd., HCL Infosystems Ltd, Noida, Dr Vaibhav Bansal, Tecnia Institute of Advanced Studies, Delhi, Dr.R.B.Garg , Professor, IT Department., Prof. Y.P. Singh, UP Technical University (MTU), Noida, Ms. Neetu Goel, Research Scholar, Teethanker Mahaveer University, Mr. Sudhanshu, CEO, Webcom Technologies, Dr. U.S. Pandey, Associate Professor, University of Delhi, Ms. Akanksha B Chopra, Asst. Professor, Delhi University, Mr. Amit Mishra, Sr. Management Govt. Vertical, Lipi Data Systems, Mr. Manjeet Kumar, Asst. Prof. NIILM CMS, Greater Noida, Er. Suresh Hans, HOD, Asia Pacific Institute of Information Technology, Panipat, Ms. Mukti Anand, Asst. Prof., HMR Institute of Technology& Management, Delhi, Ms. Bhumika Girdhar, Research Scholar , GGS IP University, Delhi, Ms. Tanu Nirwal and Mr.Divyam, Research Scholar , GGS IP University, Delhi, Mr. Maninder kalra and Ms. Neha Thakur, Research Scholar , GGS IP University, Delhi, Ms. Archana Goel, Research Scholar , GGS IP University, Delhi, Mayank Singh, Research Scholar, GGS IP University, Delhi, Dr. Ajay Kr.Rathore, Director, Tecnia Institute of Advanced Studies, Delhi, Dr. Kanwal Singh, Director General, Tecnia Group of Institutions., Key Note Address by Dr. R.C. Mishra , Professor, IT Department., Dr. Vishal Khatri, Associate Professor/Ms. Rama Bhatia, Assistant Professor, Tecnia Institute of Advanced
Studies, Rohini, Delhi
15-Feb-2013 &
15th National Conference on
“Education For The Nation Development”
Chief Guest Dr.B.P.Joshi, Registrar, GGSIP University, New Delhi, Dr.M.N.Hoda, Chairman, ISTE Delhi Section,
Director, Bharati Vidyapeeth's Institute of Computer Applications and Management (BVICAM), New Delhi, Mr. Arup Sengupta, President, Nityanta Consulting, Ex. Country Head, Xerox, Dr.Bharti, Department of Education of Groups with Special Needs (NCERT), Mr.Raizada Sorabh Bali,Human Age Expert & Career Doctor, Manpower Group, Mr. Subroto Saran Bagthi, Social Activist, Dr.Ajay K. Rathore, Director, TIAS, Dr.Kanwal Singh, Director General, TIAS, Dr. Rajesh Bajaj,Chief Convener, TIAS, Sh. Ram Kailash Gupta, Chairman, Tecnia Group of Institutions, Dr.Ajay Pratap Singh, Convener, TIAS, Dr. Anand Sharma, Assistant Professor, Central University, Haryana, Ms.Shikha Patheja, Assistant Professor, Delhi Institute of Rural Development, New Delhi, Ms.Divya Sharma, Assistant Professor, Shri Guru Tegh Bahadur Institute of Management and Technology, N. Delhi, Mr.B K Suthar, PhD.Scholar, Faculty of Management Studies, Pacific University, Udaipur (Rajasthan), Dr.Yogesh Rajian,Lecturer, TIAS, Dr.Arun Banik, Director, National Centre for Disabilities Studies,IGNOU, Delhi, Prof. Dasyam Venkateshwarlu, School of, Education, IGNOU, Delhi, Dr. Himangshu Das,Chairman, Society for Advanced Study in Rehabilitation, Faridabad, Ms.Sakshi Bansal, Special Educator, Ashtavakra School, NewDelhi, Mr. Harsh, Research Scholar, GGSIP University, Ms.Roopali Rana and Mr.Prateek Gupta, Research Scholar, GGSIP University, Mr.Himanshu Sharma Research Scholar, GGSIP University, Ms.Mallika and Ms.Jasmine Kaur, Research Scholar, GGSIP University, Ms.Hiteshi Malhotra, Research Scholar, GGSIP University, Ms.Priyanka Pandey, Research Scholar, GGSIP University, Mr. Rachit Mahana and Mr.S.Anurag, Research Scholar, GGSIP University, Mr.Ankit Baweja & Bhim Sen, Research Scholar, GGSIP University, Ms.Shefali Sharma & Ms. Vinti Sachdeva, Research Scholar, GGSIP University, Mr.Bhaskar Sen, Research Scholar,TIAD, Delhi, Ms. Purnima Sethi, Research Scholar,TIAD, Delhi , Mr. Arundeep Singh, Research Scholar, Dept. of Management Studies, Baba Farid Group of Institutions, Bathinda, Ms.Renu Gambhir, Lecturer, Lt. Mahipat Singh College Of Education, Haryana, Prof (Dr).Gautam Budha Sitaram, Rukmini
Devi Institute of Advanced Studies, Delhi, Ms.Priyanka Gautam, Assistant Professor, Chandraprabhu Jain
23-Nov-201214th National Conference on
“Democratization Of Communication”
Chief Guest Prof. S.K. Tewari, Dean (School of Mass Communication & Media Technology) Head of the Department (Centre for Mass Communication), Central University of Jharkhand, Ranch,i Dr.Umesh Arya, Associate Professor, Guru Jambheshwar University of Science & Technology, Hisar, Prof. Sudhir Naib, Professor,IILM, New Delhi, Mr. Adarsh Kumar, Scientist’G’, Head Analytical Group, Deptt. of Atomic Energy, Government of India, Dr. P. K. Yadav, Public Information Officer, Planning Commission Govt. of India, Dr. Charulata, Associate Professor, HOD, BJMC (VIPS), Mr. S.B. Singh, Scientist’F’, Deptt. of Atomic Energy, Government of India, Dr. Ajay.K. Rathore, Director, TIAS, Delhi., Dr. Kanwal Singh, Director General, TIAS, Delhi. Prof. Rajesh Bajaj, Chief Convener,
TIAS, Delhi., Dr. Rachita Shrivastava Roy Convenor, Tecnia Institute of Advanced Studies, Delhi
20-Oct-2012 13th National Conference on “Heuristic Approach of Marketing in Developing Economies”Chief Guest, Dr. D.K. Bandyopadhyay, Hon’ble Vice Chancellor, GGSIP University, Delhi, Prof. Guest of Honour, M.A. Khan, Sr. Prof., Jamia Millia Islamia – A Central University, Delhi, Ms. Sadhana Mishra- Vice President, IBM Global Technologies, Dr. Prabhat Pankaj, Sr. Prof., Ex. Dean & Director, Jaipuria Institute of Management, Prof. R. P. Tulsian, University of Delhi & Dr. Anand Sharma, Central University of Haryana, Haryana, Ms. Sunil Kumari, Asst. Prof., Fairfield Institute of Management & Technology (FIMT), Ms. Madhu Arora, Asst. Prof., Fairfield Institute of Management & Technology (FIMT), Dr. Ajay.K. Rathore, Director, TIAS, Delhi., Dr. Kanwal Singh, Director General, TIAS, Delhi. Prof. Rajesh Bajaj, Chief Convener, TIAS, Delhi., Dr. R.N. Agarwal, Sr. Prof., TIAS, Delhi, Ms. Amarpreet Kaur, & Ms. Iderpreet Kaur, Asstt. Prof., Guru Teg Bahadur Institute of Management, Dr. G.B.
Sitaram, Asso. Prof. & Ms. Sonam Goel, Asst. Prof., Rukmini Devi Institute of Advanced Studies, Antriksh Kashyap & Ms. Garima Choudhari, Research Scholar, GGSIP University, Ms. Aditi Jain, Research Scholar, GGSIP University, Ms. Roopali Rana & Mr. Prateek Gupta, Research Scholar, Ms. Neha Agarwal, Research Scholar, Ms. Kanika Kapoor & Ms. Mansi Gautam, Research Scholar, Mr. Akshay Dhawan & Ms. Shikha Singhal, Research Scholar
21-Apr-2012 12th National
Conference “Internet Computing & Communications: Contemporary Issues, Enhancement & Future Aspects”
Chief Guest, Prof. Naseeb Singh Gill, Professor, Deptt. of Computer Science, MDU, Rohtak, Dr. Amit Prakash Singh, Associate Professor, Univ. School of Inf. Tech., GGSIP University, Prof. Z. H. Khan, Director, FTK-Centre for Inf. Tech., Jamia Milia Islamia University, Delhi, Prof.
R. K. Arora, IIT, Delhi Prof. Rajesh Bajaj, Chief Convener, TIAS, Ms. Anuradha Khatri, Asstt. Prof., FIMT, Ms. Arti Gupta, Asst.Professor ,USIT, GGSIPU, Delhi & Research Scholar GGSIPU. Mr. Anurag Sharma, Research Scholar, KSOU University, Mysore, Mr. Arvind Verma, Research Scholar , GGSIPU, Delhi, Student Presentation from TIAS Delhi, Dr. R. Rama Kishore, Asstt. Prof., GGSIPU, Delhi, Mr Ansarul Haque, Asst.Professor ,Beri Instt. Of Technology, Delhi, Ms. Simmi Chawla, Asst.Professor, BLSITM, Bahadurgarh, Haryana, Mr Prashant Gupta, Asst.Professor, GGSIPU, Delhi & Research Scholar GGSIPU Ms.Rashmi Sharma, Research Scholar, Singhania University, Rajasthan, Ms. Tulsi Gupta, Research Scholar, GGSIPU, Delhi, Mr Akshay, Research Scholar,GGSIPU, Delhi, Student Presentation from TIAS Delhi, Dr. Anand Sharma, Associate Professor, Central University of Haryana, Ms. Shikha Singh, TIAS, Delhi, Research Scholar, Singhania University, Rajasthan, Ms Richa Agarwal, Asst.Professor.Bhiwani Institute of Technology and Sciences, Bhiwani, Ms Amrinder Kaur, Research Scholor, KITM, Kurukshetra University, Kurukshetra, Ms. Madhu Arora, FIMT, Delhi, Ms Vidushi Rawal, Research Scholar ,Dept. of Com. Sc. & Applications K. U., Kurukshetra, Student Presentation
from TIAS Delhi
31-Mar-2012 09th National conference “Dynamics of Social Entrepreneurship – A Business Wave”Chief Guest, Prof. Prakash Vir Khatri, Delhi University, Prof. Sukhvinder Singh Dari, Symbiosis Law School, Noida, Dr. Anurag Agnihotri, COV, Delhi University, Ashish Gupta, MNIT, Allahabad, Mr. Sunil Kumar, School of Planning & Architecture, Ms. Swati Bhatia, & Dr.
Preeti Singh, Assistant Professor, IITM Janakpuri, New Delhi, Mr. Suyash Mishra & Mr. Bajrang, Research Scholar, Central University of Haryana, SKS Mircro Finance Limited, Prof. Meenakshi Gandhi, IITM, Janakpuri, Ms. Bhavya Taneja, Research Scholar Manav Bharti University, Ritika Maheshwari, Mewar University, Ms. Nishi Pathak, Mr. Ashish Kumar Singh, Assistant Professor, RKGIT, Ghaziabad, Ms. Kanika Aggarwal, Lecturer, Maharaja Agrasen Institute of Technology, Ghaziabad, Dr. G. B. Sitaram, Associate Professor, RDIAS, Delhi, Ms. Geetika Bhasin , Assistant Professor, Maharaja Agrasen Institute of Technology, GZB, Manshi Ahuja, Assistant Professor, GTBIM&IT, Delhi, Poonam Agrawal, Asst. Prof. TIAS, Dr. Anand Sharma, Associate
Professor, Central University of Haryana.
11-23-Mar- 201210th National conference on ‘Environment
Communication in Modern Age’
Chief Guest, Prof. Pradeep Mathur, Ex-HOD English Journalism, Indian Institute of Mass Communication, Delhi, Dr. Durgesh Tripathi, USMC, GGSIPU, Delhi, Dr. Madhu Lomesh, Aditi Mahavidyalay, University of Delhi, Rakesh Prakash, Producer, Zee News, Prof. Hemant Joshi, Indian Institute of Mass Communication, Delhi, Dr. S.D Tripathi, USMC, GGSIPU, Delhi, Dr. Anand Pradhan, Indian Institute of Mass Communication, Delhi, Dr. Ashutosh Mishra, Dean, Chitkara University, Dr. Fariyad, Maulana Azad National Urdu University, Hyderabad, Mr. Amitabh Bhattacharya, Correspondant, UNI, Prof. R.J. Thomas LLDIMS, Delhi, Dr. Manoj Singh, Vivekananda Institute of Professional Studies, Ms. Sunita Rao, Centre for Science and Environment, Mr. Rajendra Singh, Waterman, Rajasthan, Ms. Medha Patkar, Environmentalist, Ms. Menka Gandhi, MP, Dr. Dilip Joshi, Faculty, Jamia Milia Institute, Delhi, Adarsh Kumar, senior scientist, department of Atomic Energy, Govt of India, B.C.O. Reddy, AGM of Somani Tiles, Dr Dilip Kumar (Jamia Milia Islamia), Miss Rohini Saini, Shifali Ahuja, Dr Nirmal Singh, Prof Rajesh Bajaj, Prof W A Qazi, VP Maurya, Dr Sanjeev Manchanda, Dr Surbhi Dhulila and HOD of BJMC, Sri Ram Kailash Gupta, Executive Director, Tecnia Group of Education, Director General, Dr Nirmal Singh, Dr Ajay Rathore, Director, TIAS, Chief Convener of Tecnia, Prof Rajesh Bajaj, Chief Program Convener, Dr Ajay Pratap Singh, Dr Bharat
International Conference on “Disability Is A Challenge: Its Opportunities in Education and Employment Ability Expo & Ability Camp”Chief Guest His Excellency, Sh. Jagannath Pahadia, Governor of Haryana. Sh. Mangat Ram Singhal, Ex-Minister of Social Welfare, Govt. of NCT of Delhi , Smt. Krishna Tirath, Minister of State (Independent Charge) for Women & Child Development , GOI , Prof. M. Aslam, Vice Chancellor, IGNO University, Delhi, Major Gen. Ian Cardozo, Chairman, Rehabilitation Council of India, GOI, Dr. Gireesh Kumar Sanghi, National President, All India Vaish Federation, Ms. Kiran Chopra, Director, Punjab Kesari Group of Publication, Dr. B.P. Joshi, Registrar, Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University, Delhi. Ms. Kiran Chopra, Director, Punjab Kesari Group of Publication, Dr. B.P. Joshi, Registrar, Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University, Delhi., Dr. Nimesh G. Desai, Director, Inst. of Human Behavior & Allied Sc., Delhi., Dr. Benish Aslam, Faculty of Allied Health Sciences, Jamia Hamdard. Ms. Silochna Mansi, Social Activist, Chairperson Manthan Kala Kendre, Shri Gopal Mor, Youth Leader, All India Vaish Federation. Mr. Rajneesh Goenka, Chairman, Membership Committee, Ph.D. Chamber of Commerce, Mr. Ajay Paliwal, Chairman, Paliwal Group of Companies, GDR Exports, Mr. Mukesh Gupta, Managing Director, Graphics Advt.
Pvt. Ltd.
30-Apr- 20118th National
Conference on “Web and Knowledge Based System (WKBS)
- Emerging Trends and Perspectives”
Prof. S. K. Gupta IIT, Delhi,Dr. S. B. Singh, Punjabi University, Patiala
Dr. Mayank Dave, NIT, Kurukshetra, Dr. Vikram Goyal, IIIT, Delhi
Dr. S. K. Saxena, DTU, Delh, Prof. R. K. Aggarwal, JNU, Delhi
Dr. Naveen Rajpal, GGSIP University, Delhi, Prof. K. K.
Biswas, IIT, Delhi
28-Jan-2011 &
International conference On Global Perspective of HRM in Disability SectorChief Guest, Shri Mangat Ram Singhal Ji, Minister of Social Welfare, Govt. of NCT of Delhi, Maj Gen Ian Cardozo, Chairman, Rehabilitation Council of India, Shri Joginder Singh, Former Director, CBI, IPS (Retd.), Shri Rajnish Goenka, Chairman, Membership Committee, Ms. Vijay Laxmi Paliwal, Chairperson, Paliwal Group of Industries, Ms. Silochna Mansi, Social Activist, Chairperson Manthan Kala Kendre, Mr. Gajanan Sawariya, President, Maharaja Agarsen Hospital, Dr Gireesh Sanghi ji, National President, All India Vaish Federation, Dr Himanshu Das, Director SARS , Mrs. Vidhu Rajput, Research Officer, Rehabilitation Council of
India, Delhi, Dr. Nimesh Desai, Director, Institute of Human Behavior & Allied Sciences, Dr Arun Banik Director, National Center for Disability Studies, IGNOU, Delhi, Dr C K Ghosh, Nodal Officer, Community College Unit, IGNOU, Delhi, 1 Prof S R Mittal HOD Special Education, Jamia Millia Islamia – A Central University, Delhi, Dr P C Sharma Deputy Director, Disability, Deptt. Of Social Welfare, Govt. of NCT of Delhi, Sunil Kumar , Coordinator – Tamana - NGO. Mrs Hemlata, Dy. Director, National Center for Disability Studies, IGNOU, Delhi, Mr Ajeet Kumar Singh, Lecturer in Special Education, State Institute for Rehabilitation Training & Research, Rohtak., Dr. Gopal Rana General Secretary, All India Association of Teacher’s Educators, Equal Opportunity Cell, University of Delhi. , Mrs. Asha
Gandhi, Social Welfare Officer North West Zone, Department of Social Welfare,
30-Oct-20107th National Conference of “Rural Business Management – Imperatives for Sustainable Growth”Chief Guest, Shri Mangat Ram Singhal Minister of Social Welfare, Labour, Employment, Law Justice & Legislative Affairs and Election, Government of NCT of Delhi, Mr. N.T. Hegde, Chairman Gurgaon Gramin Bank., Dr. V A Eshwar, Chairman, Sai Consultants., Dr. Nawal Kishore, Director, SOM IGNOU., Dr. Sanjeev Mittal, USMS, GGSIP University., Mr. N. K. Sahu, Director (Monitoring), Ministry of Rural Development, GOI, New Delhi, Mr. B.K. Pandey, IES, Advisor, Ministry of Commerce, GOI, New Delhi, Dr. Sanjeev Mittal USMS, GGSIP University., Dr. Sambit Kumar Mishra, Asstt. Director, ICAI., Prof. Kuldeep Singh Chakara, MD University Rohtak., Prof. Gopal Singh Latwal, IITM, Janakpuri., Prof. Piali Haldar, Asia Pacific Institute of
Mgmt., Delhi, Mr. Awanish K Mishra, P-7, TV Channel
29-Jan-2010 &
International conference on Green Business Solutions- Imperative and
Mr. Salil Sahu, MD, Home store (India), New Delhi, Dr.
V. Subramanian, Prof Environmental Science, JNU , Delhi
03-Jun-20106th National Conference on Artificial Intelligence & Soft ComputingSanjayMehta,MD,Deeperformance,Gurgaon,Mr.Vinod,Industrialist,Newzeland
13-Mar-20105th National Conference on Social Responsibility of Media in
Mr.Deepak Gupta, Director of A2Z News Channel, Mr. Gemini Srivastava, PRO NHRC, Mr. K.P Singh, Senior Sports Producer MH1 News ,Mr. Ashok Srivastava, Senior Anchor & Producer of DD News.
14-Nov-20094th " National Conference on Brand Positioning: Strategies for Combative ExcellenceMr.Rakesh Devgun,President, Rai Industrial Manufacturers Association,Rai,Kundli,Haryana Dr Prem Verma (Ex Deputy Director, Doordarshan) Mr Abhishek Mishra (MD of People’s Tree Chain), Mr Sebastian Singravan (Director of Third Way Communication Advertising Agency), Mr Jordan Calvin (Regional Head of Times of India) Mr Shailendra Sharma
(Associated with Amar Ujala) and Mr P.K Nayak (Associated with Technical Branch of Indian Airforce)
& 28-Mar- 2009
International Conference on Global Economic Turmoil; Challenges for the Indian EconomyMr. Sanjay Kumar, Commissioner of Income Tax, Ministry Of Finance, Govt. of India,Mr. L.K.S. Dahiya,
I.R.S , Additional Commissioner , Ministry of Finance, Govt. Of India,Dr. P.C. Jain, Principal, S.R.C.C., Delhi University, Mr. Ajay Choudhary, former Director DELL,Dr. Vinod Kumar, Senior Dean, IIFT,Dr. Adarsh Aggarwal, HOD, MAIM, Yamuna Nagar,Mr. SD Gumber, Financial Consultant, Gumber & Gumber Associates,Mr. Ravi Bhasin, ABS Noida Mr. Naveen Goel, MD, Orange
Group,Mr. Kaushik Chakroborty, AVP, ABN-AMRO Bank
18-Mar-20183rd National Conference on Media Convergences in
National Interest
Dr. P.K. Bandhyopadhyay, Advisor, Prasar Bharti,Mr. Jamini Srivastava, Media Spokesman, Human Rights Commission,
13-Feb-20092nd National Conference on Global Paradigms in e- businessMr. Pankaj Sharma,Regional Manager, NASSCOM ,Mr. Gulok Simli, CEO, Passport Seva Project, Ministry of Ext. Affairs, Govt. of India,Mr.Sudhanshu Malhotra, President, Webcom ,Mr. Siddharth Bhargava,Director,
22-Jan-20091st National Conference on Emerging Paradoxes in Retail SectorSh. Kapil Sibal Ji, Minister of Science & Technology & Minister of Earth Sciences, Union of Govt. of India, New Delhi, Mr.Rajender Aggarwal,Chairman, City Park Group Mr. Rajiv Chawla, President Faridabad Small Industries Association , Dr. V.A Eshwar, CMD , Sai Consultant, Major N.K. Pandey, CEO, Indian Retail School, Mr. Anand Chaturvedi, State Head Talent
Transformation, Reliance Retail Ltd.