Tecnia Institute of Advanced Studies | MBA, BBA, MCA, BCA, BAJMC, Best Colleges in GGSIPU University Delhi

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  • Recognized Under Sec. 2(f) of UGC Act 1956,
  • Approved by AICTE, Ministry of Education, Govt. of India,
  • Affiliated to Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University.

Bachelor of Art Journalism & Mass Communication

BAJMC Course / Lab Plans Odd AS. 2023-24
CodeCourseTypeLT/PCreditsFirst Shift Second Shift
FacultyDiv AFacultyDiv BFaculty Div AFacultyDiv B
First Semester
BAJMC 101 Communica tion: Concepts & ProcessesCore Course Theory44
BAJMC 103 Contempora ry India: An OverviewCore Course Theory44
BAJMC 105 Basics of Design and GraphicsCore Course Theory 44
BAJMC 113 Human Values and Ethics (NUES)*Core Course Theory (NUES*)22
BAJMC 107 Personality Developme ntElective Course Theory44
BAJMC 109 Writing SkillsElective Course Theory44
BAJMC 151 Communica tion Skills LabCore Course Practicals22
BAJMC 153 Contempora ry India: Issues and Debates(Se minars/ Presentatio ns)Core Course Practicals22
BAJMC 155 Design & Graphics Lab – ICore Course Practicals22
BAJMC 157 Personality Developme nt LabElective Course Practical22
BAJMC 159 Writing Skills LabElective Course Practical22
Note :
* Non University Examination System. It will be evaluated internally by the respective institute.
** Foreign students will study Course Code BA (JMC) 111, Course Title- Indian Culture as Elective Course along with Course Code BA (JMC) 157, Course Title- Personality Development Lab as Practical Course.
*** In practical courses, one credit equals two hours of teaching/ training/ learning.
**** Total number of credits include credits of compulsory three Core Courses along with credits of their respective labs and credits of one Elective Course along with credits of corresponding lab/ seminars/ presentations/ workshops.
Third Semester
BAJMC 201 Developmen t Communicati onCore Course Theory44
BAJMC 203 Basics of Radio Programmin g and ProductionCore Course Theory44
BAJMC 205 Basics of Video Camera, Lights and SoundCore Course Theory44
BAJMC 207 Radio Jockeying and News ReadingElective Course Theory 44
BAJMC 209 Video EditingElective Course Theory44
BAJMC 251 Radio Production LabCore Course Practica ls22
BAJMC 253 Video Production LabCore Course Practica ls22
BAJMC 255 Summer Training Report ****Core Course Practica ls (STR)4
BAJMC 257 Radio Jockeying and News Reading LabElective Course Practica l22
BAJMC 259 Video Editing LabElective Course Practica l22
Note :
**** The Summer Training Report carries 100 marks and shall be evaluated by the Board of Examiners comprising of an Internal Examiner and one External Examiner separately out of 50 marks each. The External Examiner shall be appointed by the Competent Authority.
Fifth Semester
BAJMC 301 Basics of New MediaCore Course Theory44
BAJMC 303 Media ResearchCore Course Theory44
BAJMC 305 Event ManagementCore Course Theory44
BAJMC 307 Digital Media MarketingElective Course Theory44
BAJMC 309 Film Appreciation* Discipline Specific Elective (Choose any one)415
BAJMC 351 New Media LabCore Course Practica ls22
BAJMC 353 Media Research LabCore Course Practica ls22
BAJMC 355 Event Management LabCore Course Practica ls22
BAJMC 357 Functional Exposure Report *****Core Course Practica ls(FER)4
BAJMC 359 Digital Media Marketing LabCore Course Practical042
BAJMC 361 Film Appreciation LabElective Course Practica l22
Note :
***** The Functional Exposure Report [FER] carries 100 marks. The report shall be evaluated out of 50 marks each by a Board of Examiners comprising of Director/Principal or her/his nominee and one External Examiner separately out of 50 marks each. The External Examiner shall be appointed by the Competent Authority.
Each student shall be assigned the Final Project at the end of the Fifth Semester. The Final Project shall be pursued by her/him under the supervision of internal faculty in the Sixth Semester. The student shall make her/his Final Project on the theme/topic approved by the Director of the Institute/Principal in the Fifth Semester. She/ he shall submit the hard &soft copy of the Final Project in duplicate and also make the multi-media presentation on the same at least four weeks before the date of commencement of the End-Term Examination of the Sixth Semester. The project would be continuously monitored through tutorials and assignments and the record of the same would be submitted at the time of external examination duly certified by the internal faculty.
The Comprehensive Viva shall be based on all the courses of the programme and future projections of Media & Entertainment industry.
BAJMC Course / Lab Plans Even AS. 2023-24
Code Course Type L T/P Credits First Shift Second Shift
Faculty Div A Faculty Div B Faculty Div A Faculty Div B
Second Semester
BAJMC 102 Print Journalism Core Course Theory 4 4
BAJMC 104 Media Laws and Ethics Core Course Theory 4 4
BAJMC 106 Still Photography Core Course Theory 4 4
BAJMC 108 Health Communicati on Elective Course Theory 4 4
BAJMC 110 Sports Journalism Elective Course Theory 4 4
BAJMC 152 Print Journalism Lab Core Course Practical 2 2
BAJMC 154 Still Photography Lab Core Course Practica ls 2 2
BAJMC 156 Design and Graphics Lab – II Core Course Practica ls 2 2
BAJMC 158 Health Communicati on Lab Elective Course Practica l 2 2
BAJMC 160 Sports Journalism Lab Elective Course Practica l 2 2
Note :
Soon after the End-Term Examination of the Second Semester, the student shall undergo training/internship in Print Media for a period of four weeks. She/he shall submit in duplicate hard copy and a soft copy of Summer Training Report (STR) along with the DVD of multi-media presentation incorporating the work done during the training/ internship, at least four weeks before the commencement of End Term Examination of the Third Semester. The Summer Training Report shall be supervised by the internal faculty appointed by the Director/ Principal of the institute/ college.
Fourth Semester
BAJMC 202 Basics of Advertising Core Course Theory 4 4
BAJMC 204 Basics of Public Relations Core Course Theory 4 4
BAJMC 206 Television Programmin g and Production Core Course Theory 4 4
BAJMC 208 Television News: Reporting and Anchoring Elective Course Theory 4 5
BAJMC 210 Corporate Communicati on Elective Course Theory 4 4
BAJMC 252 Advertising Lab Core Course Practica ls 2 2
BAJMC 254 Public Relations Lab Core Course Practica ls 2 2
BAJMC 256 TV Production Lab Core Course Practica ls 2 2
BAJMC 258 Television News: Reporting and Anchoring Lab Elective Course Practica l 2 2
BAJMC 260 Corporate Communicati on Lab Elective Course Practica l 2 2
Note :
Soon after the End Term Examination of the Fourth Semester, each student shall undergo a Functional Exposure Training/ Internship for four weeks in Radio/TV/Advertising /Public Relations/NGO. She/ he shall submit in duplicate hard copy and a soft copy of Functional Exposure Report [FER] alongwith the DVD of multi-media presentation containing the actual experiential learning, at least 4 weeks before the commencement of End Term Examination of the Fifth Semester. The Functional Exposure Report shall be supervised by the internal faculty appointed by the Director/ Principal of the Institute/ College.
Sixth Semester
BAJMC 302 Media Management and Entrepreneur ship Core Course Theory 4 4
BAJMC 304 Global Media: An Overview Core Course Theory 4 4
BAJMC 306 Environment al Studies Core Course Theory 4 4
BAJMC 308 Entrepreneur ial Mindset Core Course Theory 2 2
BAJMC 352 Final Project and Comprehensi ve Viva* Core Course Practica ls (Project) 10
BAJMC 354 NCC/NSS/Co mmunity Engagement/ Socio- Cultural Outreach (NUES)** Core Course Practica ls (NUES*) 2
Note :
* The Final Project and Comprehensive Viva carries 100 Marks. It shall be evaluated by the Board of Examiners comprising of the Internal Examiner and External Examiner. The Board of Examiners shall comprise of the Director/ Principal or her/his nominee and two External Experts out of which one would preferably be from the corporate world i.e. media organisation operating in the country. The quorum shall be deemed to have met if two out of three members are present. The External Examiners shall be appointed by the Competent Authority.
** Non University Examination System (NUES). NCC/NSS can be completed during semester 1 – Semester 4. It will be evaluated internally by the respective institute and faculty. The credits for this will be given in sixth semester to the students The student shall make his/her personal file of activities accomplished during this period under the guidance/supervision of the faculty approved by the HoD/Dean of the programme. She/he shall submit the hard and soft copy in duplicate and also make multimedia presentation on the same. The work would be evaluated as part of NUES by internal faculty/supervisor in semester VI. The NCC/NSS camps/classes will be held either during Weekends/Holidays or Winter/Summer Vacations.