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  • Recognized Under Sec. 2(f) of UGC Act 1956,
  • Approved by AICTE, Ministry of Education, Govt. of India,
  • Affiliated to Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University.

Techno Vision IT Fest – 2023

Techno Vision Introduction​​

Techno Vision-IT academic fest is an initiative of Department of Information, Communication and Technology of TIAS to nurture the budding technocrats to hone their technical skills and competitive to prove dexterous edge over the others. It is an assortment of various technological activities and a finest platform for the ingenious minds to show their talents in technical fields and come together to put their skills to test. It aims to motive students to come together and share their enthusiasm and love for technology. It provides an opportunity to the students, where they can exhibit their technical competence, knowledge, and skill sets required to be an effective IT professional.


  1. Enable students to brush-up their technical skills.
  2. To create awareness amongst Students of IT and Management about the practical exposure of the latest trends in technology sector.
  3. To search the talent among the students and to bring the various educational facets of the students to the surface

Event Details​:​

Event Details​:​

Techno Vision IT Academic Fest 2023​

Tecnia Institute of Advanced Studies is conducting “Techno Vision -IT Academic Fest” for the IT Students of GGSIPU colleges, as per the time slots indicated in the Programme Schedule. Followiing are the major events, which would be part of this event:

Webscape is a plaorm where students showcase their web skills and create aracve and informave sites using latest tools and technologies like dot net, java, php and html etc.

Final Round

  1. Each team will be given a subject to showcase design
  2. Technologies will be latest web technologies and modules
  3. Topic will be given on the spot
  4. Evaluaon will be based on Front-end and back-end, it will consist 40%
  5. 60% to the logic and creavity
  6. Top team qualified for Mains
  7. Have to run their site at local server
  8. No use of Internet

Programming is similar to a game of golf. The point is not getting the ball in the hole but how many strokes it takes thus sorting out a complicated idea into little steps. And that's the real essence of programming.

Prelims Round:

  1. A Team should consist of max 2 members.
  2. There will be a test conducted of 20question within 15 minutes.
  3. There will be -ve marking of 1/2 for a wrong answer.
  4. 10 teams will be short listed for the final round.

Final Round:

  1. This programming round contains 2 questions
  2. Based on C/C++.
  3. Participant can select anyone of them
  4. Above questions will cover implementation of common C and C++ concepts.
  5. Perform Coding on in C/C++.
  6. Winner will be selected on the basis of better programming Logic implemented & Proper Documentation.

Technical paper presentation provides a platform to inculcate in the students a culture of research, thinking and presenting ideas & technology in a professional manner.

Final Round:

  1. Technical Paper Topic must be any IT related topic.
  2. Event is open for all student
  3. Students need to give presentation using slides i.e. ppt.
  4. Maximum number of slides is 10
  5. Use of graphics, schematics diagrams and figures are allowed.
  6. Time limit is 6-10 minutes.
  7. 2 minutes time for the query by the judges and students.
  8. Decision of judge is final based on criteria
  9. Innovation
  10. Content
  11. Delivery
  12. Presentation
  13. Question Handling

If you think that you have the ability to play with different Soware’s like flash, photoshop, Dreamweaver then come and be the part of event and showcase your talent on the spot.

Call Of Duty Mobile (COD)

  1. Team Death Match(TDM)
  2. Players have to come with team only
  3. Random Map Allotment (must download all)
  4. Parcipants per team: 5
  5. All Rounds are eliminaon rounds.
  6. The game will be played between two teams (5 vs 5)
  7. Date : April 13, 2023
  8. Timings: 11:30 a.m. – 2:00 p.m
  9. Duration : 2.5 hour
  10. Venue: PG Building, 1st floor lab
  11. Registration fees: For team = 250 rupees(50 per person)

If you think that you have the ability to play with different Soware’s like flash, photoshop, Dreamweaver then come and be the part of event and showcase your talent on the spot.

Final Round

  1. Time Limit : 10 minutes
  2. Topic will be given on the spot
  3. Originality and uniqueness is must

Everyone Knows That Debugging is Twice as hard as writing a program in the first place.So if you are as clever as you can be when you write it,how will you ever debug it? It contains MCQ’s based on C, C++, Java, Html code .

Final Round

  1. A Set of Paper contains 20 Objective type Questions.
  2. Time Limit Should be 30 minutes.
  3. Candidate Scoring higher marks will be the winner.

Techno Vision Registration Form QR Code

Event Convener


  • NameDr. Ajay Kumar
  • E-Maildirectortias@tecnia.in
  • Phone011-27555121-22-23-24
  • Fax27555120
  • Mob+919 81122 9001, 921 222 7730