Last Date for Submission of Papers: Abstract: It should reach
us on or before 26th Feb. 2014. Full Paper: The manuscript
of the paper before 8th Mar. 2014.
Submission Guidelines:
Paper must not be longer than 10-12 pages (within 3000
Author name should contain affiliation, and full mailing
address (with email and telephone no's).
The paper should be in MS-Word/ PDF format.
Paper Size: A4, Portrait
Margins: 2.05 inches(top and bottom); 1.73 inches (left
and right)
Header: 0.5 inches
Footer: 0.5 inches
Font face: Times New Roman
Abstract Format: Abstract length should not
be more than 200 words. The font size should be 10-point with
single-line spacing within inset 1.0cm right and left margin.
Heading and Sub-heading Format:
Heading Level
Font S ize &
Title (centered)
An overview on…..
14 point, bold
1st –level heading
1 Introduction
12 point, bold
2nd –level heading
1.1 printing Area
12 point, bold
3rd – level heading
1.1.1 Headings…
12 point, bold, italics
Text spacing
Text goes here……
12 point, justified, single spacing
Footnotes: Footnotes should
appear at the bottom of the normal text area, with a line of about
5cm set immediately above them. The superscript numeral used to
refer to a footnote appears in the text.
Tables and Figures: The tables
and figures should be numbered and must carry a caption. The figure
and table number should be given in the corresponding text. Source
should be explicitly mentioned for adapted or reproduced tables
or figures.
Citations: Please follow APA citation style
for the references.
All papers must be accompanied by one passport
size color photograph together with a
full CV & a brief CV (not exceeding 50 words).
All speakers are allowed 10 minutes for presentation
of their paper. The time for
answering questions is additional.
Power point projector system with laptop would
be available for presentation. Any
additional aid required, may please be intimated in advance.
Full text of your paper in Microsoft Word Version
Two CVs - one full length and one within 50