Bringing disabled persons at par with the able-bodied persons as far as instilling confidence among them to survive and face the challenges of life on their own is not the duty of the government only, but also a societal responsibility. Disability among human beings is as old as humanity itself. Right from the primitive society to the modern day world, various ways and means have been adopted to cure and prevent disability among human beings. In India, the problems of disability are perplexed due to its huge population, most of whom living under the shadow of ignorance and poverty. The process of rehabilitation of the disabled starts with prevention, early identification, intervention, integration and finally leads to rehabilitation. The Government of India brought three important Acts for the welfare of the persons with disabilities, namely, Rehabilitation Council of India (RCI) Act (1992), Persons with Disabilities (Equal Opportunities, Protection of Rights and Full Participation) Act (1995) and National Trust Act (1999).
The RCI Act passed by the Parliament gives the responsibility
to the Rehabilitation Council of India, a statutory body under
the Ministry of Social Justice & Empowerment, Government of
India to frame policies and programmes for the development of
manpower in the field of rehabilitation of disabled persons
in the country. Human Resource Development (HRD) deals with
creating conditions that enable people to get the best out of
themselves. It is a process of competency development in people
through public policy, programmes and interventions to help
them apply their competencies for their own benefit and for
the benefit of others. The core of HRD depends upon the context
in which the items are used. The United Nations Development
Programmes (UNDP) has defined it as "policies and programmes
that support and sustain equitable opportunities for continuing
acquisition and application of skills, attitude and Competencies
which promote individual autonomy and one that is mutually beneficial
to individuals, Community and to a larger environment of which
they are a part".